June 10

ELA B10: Jn 10 Poetry Presentations and Fig. Lang. Test!

  1. After many, many reminders that they would have to orally present their poetry to the class, and warnings that any no-shows would be given a zero if they chickened out, I was very happy to see that (nearly) everyone was there prepared to go with a little enthusiasm about it even. And since we were inspired to do poetry by the movie we watched, The Dead Poets Society, where their literature-loving teacher Mr. Keating after he put the boys through the exercise of standing up on his desk to see the world from a new perspective, what better location for these Kenaston students to present their own poetry than from atop my own teacher’s desk!! It was a little thrilling for some, it seemed, and less moving for others, but everyone put in a good effort so I have to say I was quite pleased with the class! (And, as a token for their hard work and (as of late) good attitudes, they got Timmies. lol)
  2. Once our presentations were over, students wrote a figurative language test. They were told last week we’d have this test, and I reminded them yesterday during our poetry class. It was also listed on that three-weeks-till-we’re-done chart they got … three weeks ago.
  3. Once they were all done that test, and just shortly before the bell went, they got their next assignment – an informal interview assignment. They have to talk to three people, a parent, a teacher they respect, and a role model, and ask them two questions that relate to the values that adult has learned since their youth. The kids have a handout they have to fill in after their talk with each person, they’ll have to synthesize and share with the class what ‘important life lessons’ they learned about and they’ll also have to create a blog entry about it. The idea here is to look to the people they trust in their day-to-day lives, instead of just reading literature, to get a similar message. This conversation sharing our results will happen on Friday. (It’s a little short notice, I’m sorry, but I was sick on Monday and didn’t make the sheet for you.)

Here’s a video made by the lead singer of The Tragically Hip, Gordon Downie, for the poem “Yellow Flowers” written by one of my favorite Canadian poets, Al Purdy. You’ll hear a man’s voice narrate the poem in the video – that’s actually Al from his recording of his poetry. I think Downie’s done a really wonderful job of, firstly, interpreting this poem but also of making poetry more accessible to young people who wouldn’t otherwise be so interested. Watch it and leave me a note about what you think of it!


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June 9

ELA B10: Jn 9 Poems and more poems…

  1. We read through several poems with a similar topic of “choices”. We followed the process of reading a new poem, paraphrased the stanzas together, considered the particulars of the author’s style in writing the poem, and answered all the questions together in class.
  2. Students were reminded their own poems are due to present tomorrow and there will be a figurative language test in the same period.
  3. I also removed a piece of literature from our reading list in order to give students one extra blog-writing day with computer access. I talked to the kids about their blogs – it dawned on me this morning that the blog project is a major required assignment for the course, so the idea of some students choosing not to complete it isn’t acceptable. In order to receive your credit for this course, even if you have passed the class, you have to finish your blog requirements. You’ll have to time Thursday to ask any questions if you need reminders.
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June 8

ELA B10: Jn 8 Computer Time…

  1. Morning Grade Tens! Slight change of plans in our two-week schedule. Today we were originally going to look at some more poetry and continue into tomorrow. Instead, I’ll cut back the amount of poems we’ll study and give you this extra computer time access. I know some of you could really use the time to work on some things. Here’s your task in order of importance:
    1. Make sure your poetry assignment is finished and ready to present orally to the class for Wednesday. You must present it on that day. If anyone plans on being away that day, you must tell me in advance in order for me to make other arrangements with you. If you are sick that day, you must call and talk to me and you will present it on the very next day you return to school.
      (I know you are used to me giving extensions or a second assignment to make up for a missed one. With only eight more classes after today, that is no longer possible. For these last two weeks, you have to keep up and be on time with assignments.)
    2. If you have made your two copies of your poem and done the illustration on the one and typed or written out your explanation of your poem’s style, then you can work on blog entries. You all were given a chart that lists the number of blog topics you have, along with the elements required for each.
  2. You won’t get class time like this again this year! USE YOUR TIME WISELY! If you have to wear an Ipod or something to avoid the distraction of others, then that is fine, so long as it is not too loud.
  3. I will repeat the offer, as well, to make the computer lab available during noons, if anyone is interested. I know that interferes with your ball games at noon, but the option is there. It’s just a matter of priorities!

Have a good day! See you tomorrow!

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June 5

ELA B10: Jn 5 Poetry and more poetry…

  1. We had some poems to study together today. To get them in the mood, though, I shared with them some wonderful videos students of mine made last year where they animated poems! Some video recorded themselves reading the poetry and spliced it with images to relate to the topic. Others made videos of themselves and family members acting out the poem, while one really original guy used lego characters and a bathtub of water to make a video of his poem titled “This is the Song my Paddle Sings”. It was really cool to share with them the wonderful work other students their age put into poetry. It’s not as difficult, sometimes, to read and appreciate as some people think!
  2. Then we tried out own poetry reading. We read a few poems related to our course and analyzed them together. They each had a question sheet and we worked through the questions together, looking for tone, style, purpose, and figurative language, among other things.
  3. They were reminded at the end of class that their own poetry assignments are due to present on Wednesday next week. They’ll have to present that day or be sure to let me know in advance if they will be missing so we can make other arrangements. With such few days left of classes, there are few extensions or second chances available these last few weeks.
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June 4

ELA B10: June 4 No class today… Field Trip!

The Grade tens went on a field trip today after having been “robbed” (so I’m told) of one for the past three years. Hopefully they had a wonderful time, as the weather was gorgeous!! Tomorrow, though, we get right back to it to finish off a productive week in English class.

Don’t forget to keep working on blogs – no one has posted anything new for the last two weeks – and the Poetry project is due next Wednesday.


school_bus.gif - (13K)


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June 3

ELA B10: June 3 “The Michelle I Knew” story

  1. We got right to it today. We read together a story that was given to them in a reading package last week. It’s called “The Michelle I Knew” and is about a young girl who is getting cancer treatment in the hospital who waits for her boyfriend to come for visiting hours but continues to tell herself that he’s finally decided to quit coming.
  2. The students all had a question sheet with both lower level and higher level questions. They did a Fantastic job! They were so focused, they needed very little prodding or reminders to stay on task, and they just got it done! I was very pleased that several of them were asking some important questions for clarification, like the distinguishing factors between first person narrative and third person, or the types of answers you can use when describing the author’s purpose for writing.
  3. They had about twenty minutes to try to complete their answers before I checked to see how they’d done. We started going over the answers before the bell went, and we’ll continue them on Friday, but one of the main purposes of today’s class was to help them recognize ways they can each gain more marks from similar types of questions on an exam.

Have a great time on your Field Trip tomorrow, class!!

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June 2

ELA B10: June 2 Editing Poems for Style…

  1. Today was the second of two writing classes the Grade tens had to develop their “Carpe Diem” poems. The majority of them had finished getting the foundation of their poems written yesterday, which left time for them today to begin defining their word choices, check to make sure they had three types of figurative language included, and play with different techniques for creating a writers style in their poem.
    Some of the tricks they’re using to develop that style is to vary the length of their lines (short ones for dramatic effect), using repetition of phrases or words, even directly after one another, to again add drama or emphasis. They are being aware of the punctuation and caps, making decisions on whether they want all the beginnings of lines to start with capitols or to be small caps, and whether they want any punctuation etc.Here is a really cool poem I was trying to find to show Amy. The author of this poem got very creative with line length, fonts and font sizes, to create not just a poem but an image. Check it out here.
  2. Today was the last of class time to work on writing these poems. There are a few who are further behind the rest who were having difficulty getting started or finding a focus. My suggestion to them was that if this is a poem that’s about grabbing every opportunity and “sucking the marrow out of life” as is repeated in the movie, the tone should be assertive, active, energetic. If they could imagine themselves whizzing down a rast-moving river watching everything, the sights, the sounds, pass them so quickly, what would come to mind?I Challenge 

    What are you waiting for!?
    Don’t put it off
                            thinking there’ll be a tomorrow
    Cause there won’t
    And tomorrow will have new chances.
                           You won’t be able to do it all
                           If you live by a philsophy of tomorrows!

    There’s no waiting!
    Just DO!

    Take the moment
    And see where it takes you.
                            Down a road
                            On a trip
                            To success or failure
                            That’s proof of life! Don’t you see!?

    Does it matter, your excuses?
    “The timing’s not right”
    “I need to save first”
    “I couldn’t really do that”

    Who are you fooling?
    Do it!!

    No one who cares is watching!
    Some will watch and see you try
    And envy your bravery!
                           Your nerve!
                                   Your unshrinking machismo!

    Cause there really is no tomorrow
    Only today so
            Wait for it
                            That push of purpose
    Because you’ll be disappointed when it never comes for you
    Though you expected it

         have to
                go to it!

    Take what you want
    So that when the end of time arrives
    You’ll be satisfied

    You drew in breath
    Endowed with life
    Nourished by the hope
    Of having


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June 1

ELA B10: June 1 Writing Poems!!

  1. It was a surprisingly enjoyable day for some today. Though they didn’t originally figure it would be something they could get into, it was cool to see a few of the guys pass around a poem they’d written that actually had some substance and showed true reflection of the topic. Great job, guys!
  2. To start the class off, though, we had a careful conversation so everyone is on the same page. We have three weeks left, with every day planned carefully. There’s been an adjustment already since they will be away on Thursday for a field trip, but I’ve switched Friday’s task with Thursday so instead of missing literature and discussion they’ll be missing computer time. They’ll have to play ‘catch up’ on that project on their own time.
  3. I volunteered to make the computer lab available to them at lunches if anyone wanted to work on them during noons or wanted some help reminding themselves how to use the program. Some kids figure they’re not going to bother doing the project, and I can’t do much about that, but at least they are fully aware of the potential consequences and their parents are in-the-know as well. Those blogs are 10% of the final mark. It will matter to some.
  4. But… things just got calm and quiet and everyone settled in nicely to just work, work, work! They did great! Tomorrow, they’ll likely be able to focus on editing their poems to include the figurative language and show definite form / style. Then they can get to the typing / drawing to complete the project.
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May 29

ELA B10: May 29 Day 2 of CPR… so no class

The Grade tens spent the day again in Mr. Heath’s room working on day two of their C.P.R. training. Next week starts the three-week countdown to the end of the year and there is lots to do. I tried to catch kids as they were leaving at the end of the day to remind them… “work on your blog this weekend!!” Some of them are behind and, though it won’t take much to catch up, it would be better to get on it sooner than later. Remember, you’ll have three other assignments given, yet, including the poetry writing assignment. Don’ t ignore your work cause you’ll be swamped before you know it!!

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May 28

ELA B10: May 28 No Class…

The kids are taking their C.P.R. training for the next few days, so we will be missing out English classes. I’d really encourage them to consider working on their Poetry assignment so they won’t fall behind.






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