January 31

Law 30: 02 Why we Need Laws

Some links and resources posted here that go along with our section.

  • Watch the Without Rule of Law video (below) – open it in YouTube to play it and watch to 16 minutes worth.

  • Personal Inquiry Search: Select one of the two following options and develop a personal summary – either in written form (half page typed) or an audio reflection (4 minutes min) – of what you have or can learn from the topic selected.
    • Research to learn whether Venezuela has Rule of Law right now and if not what is causing WROL (without rule of law). Consider, too, how long the situation there has been escalating – long term or mostly recent? Was there a specific trigger that’s changed things?
    • Explore the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2017-2018 and read the Report Highlights. You can search certain country pages (Canada vs Denmark or U.S.A) to see how they’re rated differently. Develop a personal summary of your findings/what you can learn from the site.
  • Viewing Activity: “You Should Have Stayed Home” Fifth Estate documentary on police use of force during 2010 G20 Summit in Toronto. Even countries with high Rule of Law function can fall victim to moments of WROL. Watch and take notes of significant details or comments you’d like to make to add to the discussion.


Category: Law 30 | LEAVE A COMMENT
January 30

ELA B30 A1 Self Identity (media resources)

Here are some links to help you explore the texts and themes within this section.


“By Any Other Name” Santha Rau – essay text pdf









Path B: Options for more practice or choice of poem(s)
There are other poems that reveal an author’s search for their self-identity and their place in their society.

Identity Poems in Shared Google Doc – join here to share your comments as you read three of the poems.

January 30

01 Intro to Law

Media to support initial conversations of legal matters in Canada.

  1. Is it assault to pie someone in the face? Is this a crime? It is often done in a political statement – in protest of something.

2. Example of the legal issue in parents wanting to maintain life support despite a hospital supporting taking someone off it.

       3. Man is given surgery and released despite his hesitancy/readiness and suffered a stroke hours later leaving him disabled and unable to speak. Liability on part of hospital or a specific individual?

Morals shift and so do our laws.

Text pdf What is Law Why do we Have it-2o3tn0j

Category: Law 30 | LEAVE A COMMENT
January 21

Social 10: Canada’s Mixed Economy

Canada began with and is still widely reliant on its agriculture industry. Because of its importance to the country and globally, different initiatives have been developed to help support that industry.

  1. Research online to learn about the following topics:Image result for canadian wheat board
    1. Canada’s National Policy
    2. The Saskatchewan Wheat Pool
    3. The Co-operative/Credit Union movement
    4. The Canadian Wheat Board
  2. For each, find information to explain:
    1. why the policy or organization was necessary? (what did it hope to accomplish?)
    2. what effect did it have?
January 9

Social 10: 09 Standards of Living

Our Unit Three focuses on the study of Economics related to decision-making.

To understand the basics of Economics, this short video will give you an outline of it. Some concepts to focus on:

  • scarcity
  • types of resources
  • three economic questions: What to produce, How to produce, and Who to produce for?
  • types of economic systems
  • interdependence and specialization
  • production
  • wealth and money

Each country must make economic decisions that best support the standard of living for their citizens. The documentary below discusses some of the main concepts related to these resource-use decisions. Included are:

  • comparison between American (wealthy and poor) and Kenyan (wealthy and poor)
  • Those with wealth use more resources, generate more waste, and become influence in decision-making to determine how governments are run and spend money – influencing that gap between wealthy and poor
  • the definition of Trash- most trash could be reused. Could be reconsidered as being in-between the last user and the next. Food trash is considerable – 1/4 of food developed never makes it to a table.
  • What responsibility is it of the wealthy to help create education and supports for the poor, to help them rise up out of their lower living standards?

Countries can be assessed on a scale of greater and lesser quality of life. Do any parts of the following map surprise you?

Here are some additional sources to help us better understand some of the concepts we’re learning about:

  1. a) What does GDP stand for? Explanation and notes from video

1.b) Government spending it part of the calculation of GDP. What percentage of Canada’s GDP comes from government spending, compared to other countries? 

Canada Government Spending – percentage of GDP

1. c) Growth rate of Canada’s GDP (image below)













  1. d) Human Development Index: The measure by the United Nations that ranks countries according to literacy, life expectancy, and GDP.Human Development Index Website



2. World Bank measures the wealth of each country.

  • Consider from the website given the countries listed as wealthy compared to those listed as very poor. What do you recognize of where wealth in the world exists and where it doesn’t?

The World by Income – site














3. The World Bank (The International Monetary Fund – IMF)

The World Bank – Canada’s page