June 1

ELA B10: June 1 Writing Poems!!

  1. It was a surprisingly enjoyable day for some today. Though they didn’t originally figure it would be something they could get into, it was cool to see a few of the guys pass around a poem they’d written that actually had some substance and showed true reflection of the topic. Great job, guys!
  2. To start the class off, though, we had a careful conversation so everyone is on the same page. We have three weeks left, with every day planned carefully. There’s been an adjustment already since they will be away on Thursday for a field trip, but I’ve switched Friday’s task with Thursday so instead of missing literature and discussion they’ll be missing computer time. They’ll have to play ‘catch up’ on that project on their own time.
  3. I volunteered to make the computer lab available to them at lunches if anyone wanted to work on them during noons or wanted some help reminding themselves how to use the program. Some kids figure they’re not going to bother doing the project, and I can’t do much about that, but at least they are fully aware of the potential consequences and their parents are in-the-know as well. Those blogs are 10% of the final mark. It will matter to some.
  4. But… things just got calm and quiet and everyone settled in nicely to just work, work, work! They did great! Tomorrow, they’ll likely be able to focus on editing their poems to include the figurative language and show definite form / style. Then they can get to the typing / drawing to complete the project.

Posted June 1, 2009 by Waldner in category ELA 10

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