October 30

ELA 10: Oct 30 Some tense moments in our reading… and a bit of fun…

1. Students had another homework check to see that they are keeping up with the chapter questions as they are assigned. There was a bit of pressure from the students themselves towards one student who admitted before class began that he hadn’t finished the questions. Apparently, the fact that there were only four questions to complete made the concept of not being done open for razzing. They’re working hard to keep up, though, which I appreciate.
2. I read aloud to the students today and some very important parts of the story unfolded. At several points, I stopped and addressed the class and asked higher end questions, asked them to put themselves in the shoes of the main character to understand his situation, and even acted out a part of it.
I very much enjoy the enthusiasm in this class. Whenever we get to a part in the story where the author has given a strong piece or foreshadowing or when a sentence trails off, leaving the reader to wonder what may happen, the students and I have gotten into the habit of adding (for dramatic effect) the sound of “dun, dun, dunnnn…” It’s enjoyable and adds to the understanding that a cliffhanger exists. They’re enjoying this book! I am glad for that!

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October 30

ELA 20: Oct 30 Chapter 9 – a key chapter…

1. We discussed the questions from Ch 8 and got quickly to the reading. In chapter nine, the sub-plot of the story, the trial of a black man accused of a crime by a white family, begins. Through this trial, Scout encounters new difficulties in her small world and we see the courage of her father, Atticus, who tries to do what he feels is morally right while trying to protect his children from being influenced by the ignorance of people in the community.
2. We will discuss the Chapter 9 questions and the handout given to students on Friday, since there is no class on Thursday.
3. The illustration assignment is due tomorrow. I will be away but students will have the duration of their period tomorrow to work on completing their assignment, if necessary.

Category: ELA 20 | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 30

ELA 30: Oct 30 Essay writing 1 of 3…

1. Students were given back their midterm exams that were written yesterday. We discussed, before I handed them back, a few of the more common errors. They had a look through their exams and then looked along with me at the “thesis writing” question. We studied it together to make an example of it as to how to go about constructing a thesis statement more easily. Some students did very well on that particular question.
2. They were given the class to work on their outline and first draft. There were several questions, but as this is one of their first essays in their English class, I would rather they ask questions and learn from the assignment, rather than not and failed to do the essay properly.
3. As we have no English classes on Thursday and several students will be away for the essay writing class on Friday, I am going to extend the deadline for this assignment beyond the two (and half) writing periods. Students at school on Friday will be able to continue working on it but those missing will have to make up that hour’s worth of time on their own time at the school, whether it be during a spare or lunch period.

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October 29

ELA 30: Oct 29 Midterm exam and in-class essay writing period…

1. Students had two classes today. In the first class, they wrote their midterm essay. It was the class just before lunch so it was convenient for a few students who chose to stay through lunch for a bit to complete their exam or add to what was already written for more thorough responses.
2. In period two, students were given their in-class essay assignment. We read through, together, the six essay questions they can possibly respond to. We looked at the rubric as well to see exactly how they would be evaluated. After answering a few questions, they got right to it. They each have a folder they’ve attached their name to with lined paper inside. They will be able to work on this assignment only in class and will have to leave their work here outside of class time. The purpose of this is so that I may be able to see more clearly what each student’s ability is without the assistance of a word document program or the assistance of peers. It is also to somewhat simulate the atmosphere students will encounter when they write their Departmental exam.

Category: ELA 30 | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 29

ELA 10: Oct 29 Novel reading and questions…

1. Students were subjected to another homework check. We discussed the questions they were asked to have completed and then got back into our reading.
2. The reading is going great and I pause with them often to ask for their predictions or perspectives on what has recently occured in the story. I am glad they’re enjoying it so much.

Category: ELA 10 | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 26

ELA 20: Oct 26 Two periods of reading and philosophical discussion…

  1. With the Sr. Girls volleyball team away, we were left with six students for our two classes this afternoon. It worked out really well, though, as we got into some great discussions about people’s belief systems, the polar opposites there can be, and how we often try to fit scientific and religious theories together in our minds so they fit what we have already come to believe. With smaller classes, sometimes those great conversations happen.
  2. We read together with students taking turns at reading several pages at a time. We discussed the questions for Chapter 6, read Chapter 7 and 8, and left it there. They do not have chapter questions for a few chapters (my mistake) so we will all continue together on Monday.
Category: ELA 20 | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 26

ELA 30: Oct 26 2 of 2 classes on essay writing…



  1. We continued from yesterday’s discussion of the imporant aspects of the literary essay and the steps on how to write one with consistent focus and ease.
  2. We continued with the topics we had chosen, as an example, and wrote out our topic sentences, constructed a thesis, fill in the other spots on the essay outline sheet handed out and had finished half of our essay by the time this was completed.
  3. Monday, there will be a midterm exam and on Tuesday / Wednesday, students will write an in-class exam.
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