June 8

ELA B10 Starting Macbeth – the Scottish play!

To begin our look at Macbeth, we considered the possible influences for our choices:

  1. Fault: we make our own decisions, exert free will, so we alone are responsible for successes or failures
  2. Fate: timing of events/sequencing can be all it takes to set up a circumstance that leads to our downfall – could it be just coincidence or destiny that leads us to success or failure?
  3. Influence: people that surround us has differing levels of influence on us. Those who are more persuasive can be quite impacting, so could it be less our success/failure and more someone else’s at times?

To start the play, it’s helpful to have a basic overview of what the play is about and who the players are. This summary cartoon does a great job of that. Watch up to about six minutes in. That leaves the ending/tragedies that unfold still to be discovered as we read/perform the play.



There’s also the continued conspiracy theory that Shakespeare isn’t the sole author of all he’s credited for writing. An interesting film/documentary was made looking into that possibility.


June 2

June 2 Social 9: Individual Research Project – Imperialism of Past Civilizations

You’ve been earning points as Teams, so far, but in this Project you’ll work Individually and be able to earn points yourself. You will still work with your Team and share ideas for research methods, how to take good notes or what format to use to share what you’ve learned with your Teammates. The points you earn, though, will be yours individually.

For your Research Project:

  • gather/develop notes, collect maps, images, diagrams etc to help with your explanation of your findings
  • make sure you write things out in your own words – cutting and pasting what you don’t understand is a waste of your time
  • use dictionaries or Google search words you aren’t familiar with to help you understand
  • use a variety of sources for your research:
    • the first few sites from a Google search aren’t necessarily the best ones for you
    • you can also search through YouTube videos to gather information
    • sometimes with your search you can add “PPT”, “PDF”, or “Textbook” and find different sources to help you

As a Team, you will divide up the Six Civilizations to be researched, so that each is covered by a member of your Team. When the research time is finished, you will teach your peers about the Imperialism of your two selected Civilizations and time period.

  • Understanding your audience is your own classmates should help you understand how to develop your notes and information
  • Civilizations to be studied: one member from your Team must research two of the following civilizations. For the groups with Four Teammates, you will have some overlap, but you will all still do the research and notetaking individually. Example: Team Coke might divide them as follows – Cole (Rome/Spain), Eve (Macedonia/France), Olivia (England/Mongolia), Kaylin (Spain/Macedonia)
    • The quality and degree of thoroughness of your collected information and ability to make it understandable to your peers will play a large role in how many points you individually may acquire through this project.Image result for imperialism
    • The Civilizations to select from are:
      • Rome
      • Spain
      • Macedonia
      • England
      • France
      • Mongolia

Research Guiding Questions:

  1. Define the following terms in a way that you are able to understand them:
    1. Worldview of a Civilization
    2. Imperialism
    3. Colonization
    4. Assimilation
    5. Paternalism
  2. What is the difference between Imperialism and Colonization, or is there a difference?
  3. With Imperialism examples of the past in general,
    1. what were the reasons for it?
    2. what methods were used?
  4. What are some of the Pros (benefits) and Cons (negatives) you can recognize of Imperialism?
  5. What is the difference between Assimilation and Paternalism? In your opinion, which was a better method to use when going through Imperialism expansion of territories?
  6. Research/gather information specifically of two of the civilizations listed above. (Remember that all six civilizations must be covered collectively by your team. You’ll have to discuss and decide who will do which one.)
    For each civilization you’ve selected, identify the following:

    1. What was the Worldview or perspective of that civilization that led to its Imperialism expansion?
    2. What triggered or led up to the Imperialism? What were the factors that caused it to happen in that civilization and at that time?
    3. What methods were used for their Imperialism? How did they go about it and how successful were they?
    4. What were the ultimate results of your civilization’s Imperialism?
    5. What Pros and Cons can you identify of that civilization’s Imperialism history?
      Remember: You’ll each gather information for all five questions for BOTH your Civilizations.