November 27

Nov 24 – 27 ELA A10 and Psych 20 missed

There are two of you who were away to Agribition in Regina all this week. Here’s what you missed and what you should have completed for this coming Tuesday when we’re back to school:

  1. We finished reading the novel. It was a tense ending and not everyone was satisfied with it.
  2. Reflect on what you thought of this novel, including the following prompts. When you’ve reflected, use your Fotobabble app to record your audio response now that you’ve finished it.
    1. What was your impression / response to this novel. If you did / didn’t like it, explain why.
    2. What about the novel (reading) will stand out to you? Any particular messages or elements of the writing?
    3. Adding comments to share your Active Thinking while reading didn’t really pan out with our class, but when I handed out the little slips of paper with an Active Reading Prompt on it everyone did great. How did these prompts affect the way you read the book?
  3. You’ve had experience with Venn Diagrams – they’re used to show how two things have similarities and differences. Make up a Venn Diagram and identify what of this novel and the movie we watched The Village are similar and different.

Psych 20

  1. Students were given a class to continue working on their plan for their visual representation of their podcast experiment. This is to be done in two parts: record the audio explanation of your experiment and then video tape your visual representation of it using tactile movement of objects.
  2. The other classes for this week were used by students planning for carrying out one of three experiments we learned about recently. They were sorted into groups, got to pick between the experiment options, and had to make a plan for how to carry out the experiment, including a list of steps, the differences between experimental groups, thwarting possible confounds etc. They got to do the experiments on Thursday in one of our three ELA / Psych classes that day. They then used Friday’s class to review the data they collected, make conclusions on their control vs experimental group(s) and then record a brief explanation of their experiment’s purpose for the staff who are still curious about what it all really meant.
  3. For you, it worked out to be a good time to be away, since there’ll be no homework for you on this.

Hope you enjoyed a great week!

November 18

Nov 18 Snow Day Homework List: Gr 10s

While you’re at school or away today, you need to use time to get these things finished / ready to submit:


  1. ELA Novel Reading: make sure those who were away yesterday have read pages 100 – 119 of the novel.
  2. ELA Report Assignment finished and collect all parts to submit: outline, draft, evidence of editing, good copy, colour coding copy (see your rubric notes) and rubric).
    You can submit by paper tomorrow or digitally to your One Drive folder. There’s a Report Folder already there for this.Psych 20: Hand in either by paper or digitally by email (and identify assignment in Subject line) your
  3. Awakening Questions
  4. Concept Map 
  5. Psych 20: Make sure you’ve listened to the Podcast shared with Driver Training students yesterday. You’ll need to have kept notes so you can “retell” one of the parts of it. You won’t know which part, though.

Hope everyone’s safe wherever they are today. Please use time available to you to catch up on work you’re behind on.


November 5

ELA 9: Compose and Create Tasks After Viewing movie

Now that you’ve demonstrated your level of Comprehension through your blogging, pick from the following activities to Create items to demonstrate your ability to relate the ideas of the movie to other texts, parts of society, or yourself.

Section A: Exploring through Writing
Pick and complete one of the following

  1. Create a Character Alphabet: Choose one character you liked from the film and create sentences based on the aphabet that demonstrates your knowledge of the character’s attributes and experiences. Example:
    A is for the Abuse of …
    B is for the Bending Over that….
    C is for the Camera he gave …
  2. Explore Character Fears: Choose any two characters from the film and explore, through first person narrative writing (from their perspective) their fears. You can write one narrative paragraph / journal entry for each. Be sure you include evidence you can recall from the movie that supports your identification of their fears. Options of perspectives to explore: Sam Dawson, Lucy Dawson, Rita Williams, or Randy Carpenter.

Section B: Be Creative (Visualize)
Pick and complete one of the following

  1. Find four songs that relate to the film or one of its themes. Provide the lyrics and a short paragraph write up for each to explain your selection of it and how it relates to the movie.
  2. Create a concept map of themes in the story. Identify at least ten themes and support them with specific events that happen in the film. You can use the Apple app Cmap to create the concept map or do it by hand if you prefer.
  3. Using a cartoon strip generator / website, create a story map of the events of the plotline. Include a beginning “problem”, three rising action events, a climax moment, some falling action events, and the conclusion.
  4. Create 10 Tweets to respond to specific events in the film. In each tweet, try to identify the event and your reaction. It’s tricky as you’re limited to the number of characters you can use. (Alternate Tweet options: Create 10 tweets revealing things you learned about people, society, our differences, how we work together, etc.)

Section C: Acting It Out
Pick and complete the following with a partner (Maximum time should be 3 minutes.) Record this and post it to your One Drive cloud so that you each have a copy.

  1. Act out a pivotal (significant) scene from the film with a partner.
  2. Develop and act out an exchange between two characters for an event in the film you feel is missing.
  3. Develop and act out character monologues (internal dialogue – what might have been running through their mind as they were faced with making a decision).
November 4

ELA A10: Something to enhance our novel reading

We’re about to begin reading a novel for our A10 class and it’s a doozy – you’ll enjoy it, I promise! But it’s not just about the writing itself that can influence your experience of this novel. We can have a little fun with it while we read along. That’s what this video is for…

One thing that’s so great about this author’s writing is their development of chapter endings. They always leave you hanging! Wanting more! Unsatisfied! There’s tension! One of the other classes I read this novel with was getting really involved in this book, but when we got to the chapter end we collectively would quietly chant the little medley you’ll find in this video. It’s not mandatory, but I think a few of you will get into it and hum along a bit. We’ll see if you’re up for it. Anyway… watch the video and listen for the medley.


November 4

ELA 20: Listening to your Group Discussion Recording

You’re going to love this! Remember when you recorded a group discussion and talked about the lessons you recognize in Fairytales? You’re going to listen to part of those group discussions and pay attention to:

  • how much you contributed to the discussion
  • count the number of times you cut someone off
  • count the number of times you, yourself, were cut off
  • listen for examples of ways you transitioned the topic to a new part of the discussion
  • how you contributed to the talk – were your points on topic, were they repetitive of other comments, etc
  • evaluate whether the discussion went well or if you have suggestions for how it could be improved
  • listen to identify whether people took on certain roles in the discussion (did someone lead, someone become the reporter, etc)

You have an Assess and Reflect (AR) task from your A2 section that includes reflective questions to fill out after listening to at least 10 minutes of your discussion. Fill out these questions using as many details and specific comments about your participation as you’re able. This counts towards your AR mark of your course mark.




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