June 14

Wed Sub Notes – Mrs. Herrem

Here are some links/supports shared with students through Teams for their classes.

Period 1: ELA B10

Mrs. Herrem will support you again today. I’d like you to pause the Macbeth readings (we’ll continue reading/acting it out when I return) and I’d like to introduce you to your last Assignment – the obituary writing of Macbeth. (You could consider writing it about Lady Macbeth, but it’s much more challenging as you know so much less about her.)
Today, start in this order with:
  1. A Socrative Comprehension Check from yesterday’s play reading/viewing. Room 252858. A check in of your understanding.
  2. Watch a 15 minute Instructional Video  introducing you to the Obituary writing assignment. You could have someone log-in to the teacher computer and watch it as a group on the Smartboard. The assignment pages are in the back of your Macbeth section.
  3. Then, I’d like you to read 2 obituary samples:
    1. One is a comical one of a guy who lived an “interesting” life. If you read this together as a class, it could be comical.
    2. The second is a more serious, and more similar to the tone/difficulty of the obituary you’ll write – written about someone who died of drug use. Hard to write a celebration of someone’s life when they struggled so much, or like in Macbeth’s case when they hurt so many other people.
  4. After the instruction and two sample obituaries read, you can begin DRAFTING your ideas in the handout guide. Remember, an obituary is written by a loved one. A family member. You’ll want others to remember the better parts of that person’s life, maybe understand the unique struggles they faced, and their outlook on life.
  5. You’ll have more writing time coming, but this gives you an idea of what the last assignment involves and some time to start generating ideas. Spoiler – Macbeth is going to die soon! 😧
  6. Reminder: Some of you need to complete another AR or 2 (or 3). I’ve given you 2 options in the post just before this. There are copies you can grab on the back Bulletin board or ask me for a copy printed for you. These are all due this Friday!
Seating Plan Today
Hope it’s a great day!

ELA A30: 

They’ve got their new/last section of the course to work on. It includes 2 listening activities.
All work is due (except the current section) by this Friday.

Psych 30: 

Students are working on their Inquiry Project and their method of Presenting/delivering it. PPT or video format,e tc.
All their assignments are due this Friday, except the Inquiry Project.

ELA 7-8:

Today we start with another Beginnings Writing Workshop video. This time, there will be 4 writing prompts, so don’t pack your things in after the 3 section.

They tried a Plot Line Game yesterday in Groups of 3-4. I’d like them to try the game again in reshuffled groups.

Play the game as many as 2 times and then, either as a group of 3-4 OR divided into groups of 2, write out that narrative storyline plot, including characters, dialogue, point of view, conflict, tone, etc. See what they can complete with the rest of the class period.

Social 10:
I have a plan for you today – I hope it goes over well with you. We have talked about countries choosing different economic systems what ends up affecting the standard of living in those countries. Today, you’ll learn about the three main types of economies: Command, Mixed, and Market Economies.
For today, I made a Google Sheet with questions and video links in it. I’ve also recorded a short video showing you how you might work your way through the viewing and adding notes from the videos. See how you want to proceed – on your own, in pairs, or as a whole group?
Link to Google Sheet: You can “Make a Copy” of this that you can then edit yourself. Or you can ask me to make it Accessible so you can just edit inside the one document.
Video explaining what to do. Hope this makes sense!!


Posted June 14, 2023 by Waldner in category Uncategorized

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