October 26

Oct 23: Psych 20 Review Question Answers – Unit Two

We’ve started answering the review questions together as a group and I’m recording them / adding the recordings here. This might allow for some students who don’t write the review answers out when we discuss them to use this post / these recordings for studying purposes.

2.2.0 The Brain: Review Question Responses

2.2.1 Sensation and Perception: Review Question Responses

2.2.2 The Nervous System: Review Questions

Part One

Part Two

2.2.3 The Endocrine System – Review Questions

October 13

Oct 13: ELA A10 Example of using your voice during poetry “performance”…

Your next assignment is to “perform” a poem. I put that in quotations because I want to emphasize this point; you’re not just reading it, but you have to include emotion and power through your voice. This isn’t easily done and it will certainly take you outside your comfort zone.

As an example of the type of emotion and voice range you can/should attempt to develop in your poetry performance, listen to this video below focusing on the narrator’s use of voice. This copy here is for those of you who want to watch it as well.

Listening to poems performed: this website has many samples of people performing poetry to give examples of the rhythm, the emotion, the plays on sounds of words, the soft and loud, etc. You could listen to some as inspiration before your own recorded performance.

Practicing Speaking/Performing Poetry: 

Listen to Poetry website – listen to poems performed

Finding Your Own Poem: 

PoemHunter.com – many poems here of different topics so search through

If you’re stuck and looking for some options for poems to select from, here are a random selection that suit the assignment:
Note: I want you to avoid selecting a poem that has an audio recording with it of someone performing it. You need to decide and plan for yourself your interpretation of how this poem should be performed: the mood, the slow and fast parts, the emphasis on certain words or word sounds, etc.

The End of Science Fiction     Eric Dibs

On a Dying Earth: rhyming lines

More Dangerous Air: sarcastic play on waiting for the Atomic bomb to drop

Ritmo/Rhythm:girl makes music out of old things

Meeting Point: obscure meaning – challenging

The Cabin of Mystery: unknown who built a cabin in the woods Aleah & Ella 

Natasha and Houdini: a magician’s assistant reflects on how tough the job is

A Rhyme for Halloween: themed poem of happenings in fall (w narration audio to coach you) Van dibs

To the Dead in the Graveyard Underneath my Window: narrator questions why they aren’t haunting in death

Ghost: narrated by a ghost that haunts someone who doesn’t know they’re there   Dibs by Noah, Danny & Thea

Samhain: the season of fall when leaves can move, narrator encounters a spirit

All Souls: cute poem describing people dressed up in costumes at a party

A Ballad: The Lake of the Dismal Swamp: a man mourning his love’s death plans to be reunited with her in the afterlife

The Witch has Told you a Story: sounds like Hansel and Gretel story – witch will make sister fatten up the brother so he’s good to eat!





October 8

Oct 8: ELA 10 To finish watching “The Village”…

We spent class for the last two days watching a psychological thriller. It wasn’t the type of gore or horror movie I think some of you are used to, but the “unknown” element throughout the movie was disturbing. In today’s viewing, there was a bit of actual violence that made you sad: “He can’t die!”.

There’re about 10 minutes of the movie left to watch. It’s on YouTube if you’d like to finish it this weekend! Enjoy a great Thanksgiving with your families!


October 8

Oct 8: ELA 9 Are you ready to start blogginnngggggggg??

Hey 9s, now’s the time! Let’s dig into these blogs and see what you can make of them! We’ll go through some steps together to format your new blogs.

There are a few steps I’d like you to follow today in getting started, so use this like a checklist if you will:

Add new posts for:

  1. Your Found Poem: take a photo of your poem and add it to your blog post. Then embed your Fotobabble recording of your reading, or an audio file if you can. Make sure to give your post an interesting but appropriate title.
  2. Your new “Words on a Page” presentation: add your presentation to a new post. You can link a powerpoint or your Prezi.

Add a Page and from the bottom up add:

  1. Your initial AR Fotobabble recording
  2. Your self assessment of your presentation. Take a photo of your assessment and comment about what is most difficult in doing aself assessment.
  3. Your image results of your Multiple Intelligence Survey. Comment on which areas it shows are your strongest.


October 2

Oct 2 Psych 20: What you missed…

We were missing three students today. There are notes from yesterday and today’s review of the Stanford Prison Experiment and the Milgram Shock Experiment.

We also recorded the student answers to the Review Questions for each experiment, to save a bit of time.

Stanford Prison Experiment – review Questions  

Stanford Qs

Milgram Shock Experiment – review questions

Milgram Qs

Notes from class Thurs / Friday.

Oct 2 – 1 Psych 20