October 22

Buddy Reading – Links to Online Children’s Books

Even though we can’t be too physically near each other, we can still find ways for interaction between Bigs and Littles in our school! Buddy Reading through live Teams meetings is one way we can build those relationships in our school community.

Below are many links to books to read online. See what they want – to be read to or to read to you!?

  1. Magic Keys: Children’s Storybooks Online
  2. Monkey Pen: Children’s Books Online (downloads as PDF)
  3. Oxford Owl Children’s Books: log in is kenastonela@gmail.com (PW Kenaston306)
    1. Browse the Library


October 20

Psych 30 Unit 1 Review & Practice Quizzes

To support your reviewing and allow you to test your comprehension and ability to accurately apply your learning, the following includes higher-level comprehension questions as review (they’re not low-level Blooms questions that simply label or identify terms) and a Socrative quiz that’s only for your own testing/gauging how much you need to study or review further.

4.0 Unit 1 Review 2020 pdf

Confirm with me that I’ve opened the quiz, but you can test yourself at Room #252858 in Socrative. (Oct 2020 it’s open for you) 




2020 Practice Quiz Results – doing pretty good, gang!



October 19

Psych 30 Who’s Afraid of Designer Babies – ethics

Fertility technology has created many opportunities and uses for this type of scientific ability, but with those advancements also come more ethical questions to consider.

The following PDF article is a Teacher’s Guide for an Australian documentary with a similar name and focus as the documentary we watched in class. You can use it to consider some of the ethical questions posed in the PDF related to issues such as:

  1. the ethics of keeping or removing genetically inherited characteristics in embryos before implantation
  2. the ethics of creating children via IVF that have the same genetically inherited disorder as another of their children, so that the second sibling will be a genetic match and can donate tissue/blood to the sibling
  3. the ethical problems made when you understand the low rate of success in using IVF treatments; many fertilized embryos created (is this the start of “life”) and used but that do not implant.
    1. Or the ethical issue with the extra fertilized embryos that remain frozen – maybe donated or given to medical science for stem cell use
  4. the ethical issue of stem cell use for medical purposes and studies; example Regeneron, the Covid19 treatment medication, uses stem cells from abandoned fertilized embryos which kills the potential of that embryo
  5. the ethical issue of eugenics – the process of manipulating who can reproduce, removing less desirable traits from society through different means, including forced sterilization of groups of people OR removing genetically inherited characteristics from being selected for implantation such as dwarfism or Down Syndrome. The Nazis carried out eugenics experiments with humans in their effort to create a “Master Race” – are designer babies as sinister?
  6. the ethical issue of when Life begins. If some believe it begins with fertilization, the potential for human life, then anything done with an embryo is as morally wrong as abortion.

Here is a list of pros and cons related to the issues from the documentary developed by a previous group of Psych 30 students. Compare your own list to these points, if it helps you develop more of your thoughts on the topic.

Positives of Designer Babies:

  1. selecting a particular sex
  2. preventing sex-linked diseases (hemophilia is more prevalent in males)
  3. preventing genetic diseases or disorders (Down Syndrome)
  4. choosing their capabilities (potential to choose an embryo with strong intelligence or athleticism)
  5. choosing skin colour (for an interracial couple)
  6. undesirable traits can be avoided
    1. some harmful personality traits or looks (anxiety, depression, cleft palate)
    2. avoiding disabilities like Dwarfism
  7. more satisfied parents, after paying high fees for the treatments
  8. balance out the gender of society (more males miscarried than females; more females selectively aborted by some cultural groups)
    1. Nearly twice as many boy babies are conceived as girls, but they are much more likely to miscarry, and by birth, the ratio is roughly 105 boys to 100 girls. WSJ Article
  9. PGD: pre-implantation genetic diagnosis

Negatives of Designer Babies:

  1. unethical practice – the outcome and uniqueness of a baby should remain natural (God-planned)
  2. no going back – may not be satisfied with your results. Treating fetuses/babies as a product of differing values.
  3. costs so much – that type of financial ability is not available for all people or societies (for the rich only, leaving out whole countries)
    1. could result, eventually, in two classes of people globally
  4. products bought like accessories to a desired lifestyle
  5. some parents want “natural” offspring: including disabilities that may arise like blindness or imperfections
  6. the male to female ratio could be radically changed by this selective practice resulting in 5 years, 12 years, 21 years later big societal differences. What happens to the balance of a society: not enough females to date or marry to create families?
  7. naturally designed people versus genetically designed people
  8. long term results are unknown
  9. biodiversity affected – the race balance may be disrupted
October 14

ELA 9: A3 Doing the Right Thing

Moral questioning through science fiction writing – that’s the focus of this section’s written text. Would you use your advantage to get something you really want if you know it comes at the cost of someone else not getting the same? Is that cheating or just using everything you have access to in order to help yourself or others?

Characteristics of Science Fiction - Teach 21 Too

Resources to Support this Section:


  1. What is Science Fiction Writing? (article) 
  2. The Case for Reading Fiction (article)
  3. The Surprising Power of Reading Fiction: 9 Ways it Makes us Happier and More Creative (article)
  4. Benefits of Reading Fiction (article)
  5. Real-Life Benefits of Reading Fiction (article)
  6. Benefits of Reading (Books): How it can Positively Affect Your Life (article)



Text Copies:



This text is rated C, challenging at the ELA 9 level. How did you do in reading and understanding the storyline?

October 13

Psych 30: Designer Babies and the Ethics of Fertility Technology

Science is used to support and benefit people in all areas of their lives, from understanding metabolism or sugar intake to supporting fertility of families. But science is limited, at times, in that there can be negative effects of research advancements once time passes, such as the realization of the physical deformaties caused by the morning sickness drug thalidomide. It caused babies to be born missing fingers or caused abnormal facial features. It was an unknown outcome, as are other outcomes that come from research, with time. US fertility clinics face 'ethical conundrum' of what to do with thousands of abandoned embryos - ivfbabble

  1. Use of Stem Cells in Medicine: You watched the documentary Designer Babies to understand the control scientists now have related to the field of fertility. There are ethical questions to consider related to this, though, along with other topics of consideration. One example if the use of stem cells for research in medicine. Recently, President Donald Trump, a Republican who is anti-abortion, was given a medication for his Covid-19 treatment that relies on using stems cells from human fertilized embryos. An embryo is created (the potential existence of life) but destroyed by removing the cells from it. Is there an ethics discussion to be had surrounding this? Do you think it’s ethical to create fertilized embryos if they can be used as a resource to support human medical needs and not for the development to become a baby? Who decides this? Politicians and voters?
  2. Eradicating Gene Mutations: Or what about the types of mutations in genes that could possibly be removed from global societies: blindness, dwarfism, autism, etc? Are some undesirable and societies may decide to spend money to prevent them, which saves money in health care costs down the road, or is that an indignity to the content lives lived by people with these conditions? Consider Down Syndrome, a genetic disorder. Thirty years ago, when there was less superior technology in testing prior to birth, there were more children/adults with Down Syndrome in Canadian society and they integrated well into our schools and work places. Today in Canada, the rate of birth for Down Syndrome is down significantly, directly linked with the ability to diagnose early in a pregnancy and an assumption of termination on the part of some medical providers. In other countries, like Iceland, Denmark, and France, nearly all Down Syndrome fetuses are aborted. Consider – why the difference in social attitude and habits between the countries without and with babies with this disorder?Other topics worth considering/researching:
  3. Changes to the average age of women having their first child – today, many more women wait until after their careers are started to have families
  4. Health care provided by provinces supports/pays for fertility treatment for women within their province – should there be a cut-off age since procedures after a certain age are less successful?
  5. You can also look into the falling male fertility rates globally. Every year, the World Health Organization has to drop the average testosterone rate, because it continues to decline.
  6. Some countries and even provinces in Canada restrict a pregnant mother’s ability to know their baby’s gender prior to birth, in an effort to curb/inhibit selective abortion for female babies. For example, it has been discussed to create a National policy to not reveal a baby gender to an expectant mother prior to 30 weeks gestation, which is past a point of an “unquestioned abortion”.  Ethical pros and cons of this?
  7. Female Infanticide studied globally. You could research to learn which countries have the higher rates of female babies aborted, such as China after its “One Child” policy, where families want their one child to be male instead of female. What have been the repercussions and what is the reasoning for it in that country?
  8. Others: suggestions?

Related Articles:

October 7

ELA 9 A3 Moral Dilemma Scenarios – Role Playing

Knowing what’s the Right and Wrong thing to do in a situation may not be as simple as black and white. There are often a lot of other influences pressuring us in our choices. The following Role-Playing Scenarios will walk us through a few examples of those grey-area Right or Wrong moments.Challenge | How to Manage Moral Dilemmas at Work

Group 1:
5 Characters: Antonia, Marco, Professor Max, Sonyeter, and Natalie (the school janitor)

Group 2:
5 Characters: Nicole, Ernesto, Coach Albert, Sarah, Sandra

Group 3: Consider the following events.
5 Characters: Officer Lavoie, Officer Maturana, wallet owner #1, wallet owner #2, and Police Chief of that detachment.
Instructions: You can read through the following events of this scenario and take on one of the five roles in this scene. If you do, record (video or audio) your personal responses to being in your roles and this ethical dilemma, and then share it with me. Season 1 Wtf GIF by Mr. Mercedes - Find & Share on GIPHY

  1. Police Officer Lavoie is on a night shift with his partner, Officer Maturana, when a Good Samaritan drops off a found wallet at the station.
  2. Officer Lavoie and partner try to return the wallet to the house location found inside the wallet at 3.22 am. They rang the doorbell and waited, but no one answered the door.
  3. The next evening, again on the night shift, Officer Lavoie and partner returned to the home to once again try returning the found wallet to that home location. They rang the doorbell, this time at 1:22 am. There was again no answer.
  4. Officer Lavoie next examined the vehicle parked in the driveway and noticed another wallet on the passenger’s seat and found that the car door was unlocked.
  5. He opened the car door, took the second wallet from the car in the driveway, and confirmed by the documents inside that the owner also lived at that residence.
  6. Consider for yourself,
    1. What are the possible “right” ways to respond to this circumstance?
    2. What possible scenarios could you think of for why one wallet was found, another wallet sat in an unlocked car in the driveway, and no one was responding to the doorbell in the middle of the night? Would you suspect foul play? Explain why or why not.
    3. What is the worst thing you can think of the Police Officers doing in that moment, in response to their concerns?
  7. Read the article at the following link to discover what the Officers actually did in response to that scenario and what played out after the fact. Leave your responses to the true results below as a Comment to this blog post.
    1. Note: This scenario is actually a cross-over into our Social 10 discussion topic as well – rights of citizens and protections against unlawful actions of police.



October 7

02.0 The Balance of Rights and Freedoms – Intro Activity

You may already be aware of how protected the rights are of citizens in Canada. We live a lifestyle free from much of the conflict that other citizens face daily in their own countries. Understanding the source of that protection is an important part of understanding your relationship with your country.




The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms – What’s it about?


The Student Voice: Peer Collaboration - YouTube

Before Studying it, Compare Your Understanding with a Peer/Group:

  1. Method of Collaborating: Decide to EITHER a) join a shared Google Doc together and develop responses collaboratively to the questions that follow OR b) go outside (in the beautiful fresh air) and audio record your discussion and shared thoughts to the following questions. OR alternative c) join an Online Teams Meeting and Record your session.
    1. Either choice of a or b – make sure you eventually share your collaboration with me directly.
      1. If choosing a – share the doc to my @gmail acct
      2. If choosing b – share the audio conversation to my @sunwest acc
      3. If choosing c – join a Breakout Room in our Social 10 Teams Channel. The recording you create will be accessible to me through the program.
  2. Discussion Questions to Ponder Together Before Reading: Record your responses in either the Google Doc, Audio Recording, or Teams call
    1. Background: What do you think the Canadian Charter is and/or what does it do for Canadians?
    2. Cause and Effect: Imagine if it did not exist in Canada or offer any protection to Canadians. Can you list ways (at least 4?) the lives of Canadians today might be altered?
      ex: You could be arrested and held indefinitely without a set trial date or even access to a lawyer.
    3. Judgement: The Canadian Charter offers many protections to citizens, protections from each other and from the government. Do you believe there is one area of protection more important than others?
      ex: Do you think protecting a person’s Legal Rights is more necessary/important than protecting a person’s Voting Rights or Language Rights?
      Yes/No: Explain your response
    4. Connection to Last Topic: What does it say of the relationship between Canadians and their government (our Social Contract) that this is a government protection offered to Canadians?
  3. Read the following article together and discuss: Document your discussion and answers by in either the Google Doc, a recording, or Teams call for parts 2-5. It is optional to also record step 1, the reading.
      1. Read the following article together. “Chalking on Sidewalks is Not a Crime” 
        1. Options for reading the text:
          1. You can use the Rewordify site to simplify the language of the article
          2. You can also paste the text into a Text to Speech website to listen/read along for better understanding
          3. The full text of the article is posted below as a Comment. You can copy it from there for any of the uses above.
      2. Summarize the main points of the article.
      3. What supporting points does the article provide to prove it’s point of concern?
      4. Identify the Charter Right protecting the behaviour described in the article and how you understand it protects Canadians.
      5. Your opinions: Do you understand the motivations of both sides of the conflict: the police motivations and the protestor motivations? Is there one side that is more in the right in these scenarios?
  4. After Reading:
    1. Personal Application: Consider for yourselves – what Chalk Messages would you write on Kenaston’s sidewalks, if you had the opportunity?
      1. Post responses as a Comment to this Blog Post at the bottom. Chalk Another One Up to Free Speech Hypocrisy — FAIR
      2. You can select more than one message you’d write.
      3. Give an explanation for each chalk message – what motivates you to want to share this with your community?






Narrated audio of the article. Male voice, Dyslexic-supportive font, and speed 0.

October 5

ELA 9 A3 Section Resources & Supports

Do we just enjoy reading or do we actually benefit in a variety of ways from reading literature? That’s a great question! Let’s see, shall we?

There is great freedom in many countries over choices of what texts are available to read. Some countries go so far, though, as to ban some books making them illegal if shared or read. Consider what might be the danger of this – what could be so harmful in a book to make it illegal?

Research Proposal: Identify the tangible/actual benefits gained from reading experiences and study, also, the counter-arguments, if there are any, that argue no gains from reading experiences.

Start with the following article: “Reading Literature Makes us Smarter and Nicer”

  1. You might find the article easy to read/comprehend or you might want to try using a website that exchanges the challenging words for less challenging ones. You can Copy the text of the article and paste it in the website Rewordify and see if it makes it easier for you to understand.
  2. You can also take either a) the original text or b) the Rewordify text with simplified words and paste it into a Text-to-Speech website and listen to it read aloud. Try it out using the following website as a trial.
    1. You can adjust the speed of the speaking.
    2. You can adjust the voice – male or female or an accent
    3. You can also adjust the font that you read along with
  3. The article has 9 paragraphs – in one sentence summarize each of the nine to narrow the focus of the article’s point. (You can do this in paper or in a Google Doc for yourself or shared with a partner.)
  4. Single Summary: Reread your nine sentence summaries and attempt to reduce the whole focus of this article to one single sentence; what is the main message from the writer?
  5. Personal Response: What do you agree with from this reading or not agree with? Try to identify 3 insightful observations you can make from reading the article.