ELA 9 Mar 02/17 C8 Independent Novel: Post Reading Visualizing Activity
We’ve had another block of time set aside for personal choice independent novel reading. There were no comprehension elements to this reading, so far, but we have taken time to take a measurement each of your oral reading fluency and speed. The curriculum goal for your age group (and anyone older than you, as well, actually) is to be able to fluently and with emotion read at the pace of 150 words per minute (wpm). Each of you will know, then, whether your oral reading is below, at or above that goal pace. Later in our course, you’ll do another assessment to see if you’re improving to help you set some reading targets.
For now, if you’ve come to the end of your novel reading, our next activity to finish up this novel reading section is to create a visualizing task and you’re challenged to pick one of the following options:
- design a new book jacket to sell the same novel to children, teens or adults
- design a Literature Periodic Table of Elements to represent aspects of your novel choice
Additional Options: - draw a two-page spread of a Dr. Suess-themed portion of your novel plot complete with rhyming text
- draw a scene from your novel plot in a Star Wars theme (novel characters overlapped with Star Wars characters)
- draw a geographical map of your novel’s plot events (a town map, Hogwarts Castle, etc)
This will suit each of you and your learning preferences differently. Some people are very visual/spatial, so creating the book cover may be your preference, whereas others may be more verbal/linguistic so creating categories of characters, themes and such may be your preference.
Curriculum Objectives Satisfied by this Project:
- Create and present a variety of visual and multimedia presentations to best represent message for an intended audience and purpose
- G. Experiment with representing in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar forms
- J. Adapt a print work to another medium
- K. Experiment with the use of technology in communicating for a range of purposes with a variety of audiences
Each project will require a different approach and reflection of different elements of your novel choice.
Some examples are shown below.