06 Basics of Studying the Past
People are still discovering artifacts from the past, like a 900 year old Crusader sword found in shallow waters off the coast of Isreal. You might wonder:
- how can they know which group of people the sword belonged to?
- how can they estimate how many years old the sword is?
- what are the ways they can use to measure the age of it and how accurate can they be?
Links to support our research/question sheet:
- Q2a Timeline of the earth – pdf showing the evolution of species over 4.6 billion years (National Geographic)
- Q2a Travel Deep Through Time – interactive images showing eras of earth’s history (warmth ranges etc)
- Q2a Interactive globe EarthViewer – Student Challenge – see if you can navigate this website to see what information it has to give you.
- Q2d evolution of humans – embedded video
- Q2f Explaining the difference between BCE/BC/AD/CE
- Ancient History Timeline – Interactive
- Three Historic Structures – lots of questions left to answer
- Stonehenge in Britain
- Statues on Easter Island
- Nazca Lines in Peru
- Three Historic Structures – lots of questions left to answer