April 19

MdSt 20: April 19 Charting censorship of countries, Iraqi news, and questions…




  1.  We started with a bunch of handouts students were given. I wrote the order down on the board so they were sure to add them to their binder in the right order.
  2. We charted on the board the results students found from their internet search yesterday. It showed clearly how some country’s citizens have very little trust in their country’s media. It also showed, at times, while some media feel a fair amount of freedom in what is written, the viewers still do not trust the accuracy of the news.
  3. We also read an article talking about the news in Iraq. Many new sources of news are available, now that Saddam Hussein does not have direct control over the only news source, but many people are still skeptical of news and will not change over easily.
April 19

Hist 30: April 19 Handouts, discussion, sketchy maps and questions…



  1. Because students have watched the video for two classes straight, and some are too behind to have a hope in catching up, we went back into the classroom today and went through some of the main points that lead us smoothly from the end of unit two to the beginning of unit three.
  2. There was a handout of notes, some drawings on the board (that were admittedly not to scale (thanks Andrew K :)) and a sheet of questions that I am giving the students the answers to.
April 19

ELA B10: April 19 “After you, my dear Alphonse” and questions…

  1. Students worked fairly independently today. They were each given handouts and a short story with questions to read and complete. We discussed the answers briefly at the end of the class.
  2. Their unit test has been postponed until next Tuesday as there is a large project they involved with happening on Monday. Friday, the Rider will be visiting the school also so there will be a shortened class.
April 19

ELA B30: April 19 Relationships of all shapes and sizes…

  1. Today we began the final sub-unit of the first part of the B30 class. Its focus is relationships and how they are central to all human experiences.
  2. We read through several poems together, some of an older fashion and others of more recent writing, and looked at a variety of the kinds of relationships that exists. Some of the examples were a shared romantic love, mourning the loss of a husband, the unhealthy love of a woman who loves the man who beats her, the hopeful emotions of a father who lost a son but anticipates seeing him again one day, and the twisted and illogical affection of a man who kills his girlfriend in a moment when she is not thinking of her pride or vanity in the hopes of helping her die while she is not sinning and thereby go to heaven. All sorts of relationships exist between people, whether we can understand them clearly or not.
April 18

Hist 30: April 18 video part two…

  1. Students continued with the video from yesterday. The topic really focused in on the conflict between French and English speaking Canadians who fought for control of the central government of Canada in its early beginnings.
  2. We will have to finish tomorrow making Friday the likely date of our quiz.
April 18

MdSt 20: April 18 Faith in media from different countries…


  1. We started with some questions regarding the posted pictures of Saddam Hussein’s dead sons. Was it ethical for the media to share these photos?
  2. Once done that discussion, groups formed and chose a country from a given list and were to research the media in the country to find out how much control the government has over media there. For example, one group found a list of the top ten most censored countries, their country of Cuba being listed as the seventh most censored. Do citizens of these countries know they are censored and how much trust do they have in the media they can access. Students seemed quite interested and involved in their searches.

Also, on a side note, China has restrictions of what people can even access on the internet. Google is accessible from China but with certain agreements made with the government to control certain information or pictures. Look up images of Tiananmen Square on google.ca and compare it to the same search on google.cn (the Chinese access). The pictures are quite different.

April 18

ELA B10 Judging others based on perceptions…

  1. The final short sub-unit in our discussion on Inequality began today. We discussed two short poems and the questions that went with them. We talked about how some young teens are ‘shadowed’ when they go into clothing stores because they fit the physical profile, by the way they behave and dress, of shoplifters. Someone well dressed who walks in and is confident can usually shop without being bothered. Someone, however, who is dressed in baggy clothes with a hoody up over their head covering their face and who is walking around but constantly looking to see where the workers are is more likely to be followed. They seem more interested in the sales people than the clothes.

    Sometimes people are treated differently because of the perception others have of them, whether those perceptions are accurate or not.

April 17

Hist 30: April 17 Video overview of Unit three…

  1. Students began watching a video that goes through a majority of the topics to be covered in our next unit. The video is two hours long. They watched the first half today, will watch the next half tomorrow, and then have a quiz on the information from the film on Thursday. Students were directed to take their own notes as they watched and a good majority did a fine job of marking down the more relevant information. I’m glad to see you’re taking more of an initiative to stay on track!
April 17

MdSt 20: April 17 Ending of movie and discussion…

  1. We finished watching the movie today and talked about it a short bit.
  2. Students were given a handout with questions. We discussed them as a class and students wrote their own responses down.
  3. We also discussed for a short while the recent news of the shooting in the states. The internet has clearly become a real source of communication for students who were on campus but unable to get information.
  4. We also had a little fun and watched the commercial samples the class made in their groups earlier in the course. Some of them were very well done. Great job!