December 12

ELA 20: Dec 12


  1.  Reminder that the movie review assignment is due (typed) tomorrow.
  2. Students were to read the short story, “The Broken Globe”, for class. We discussed the story and several were quite confused by it so we read it aloud together with students taking turns to read.
  3. On a side note: They are doing a great job of reading aloud, I’ve noticed. I like to see that their reading has improved in ways like pausing at the breaks, using inflection to follow the mood of the writing, and even something so little as raising their voice a little when reading a question. I was impressed with their reading today!
  4. We discussed the questions for the short story and came up with the answers together.
  5. We began the poem “Imprints” and paraphrased it looking at phrases and writing along the side of the poem the meanings to match to make understanding of the poem easier. (Tad A. made a comment that poets are frustrating because they make things too confusing to understand, but I was pleased he took his comment back and said, when we had finished, that “Yeah, it makes total sense now.”
  6. We will finish the “Imprints” questions tomorrow and continue with the other literature in the handout.
December 12

ELA A10: Dec 12


Challenges Unit intro handout

  1. Students began a new unit in the class, Challenges. We discussed some questions to help them understand some of the topics we will be covering with literature in this unit.
  2. Students read together an editorial essay titled “The Man in the Water.” They discussed its meaning and answered the questions attached to the handout.
December 12

Hist 20: Dec 12

  1. Several students were missing today so students continued on to Section 2.
  2. They are to have the questions completed for tomorrow’s class when we will discuss the answers for both Section 1 and 2.
December 11

ELA 20: Dec 11

Perspectives and Passages

  1. Students were given some class time to continue writing their Movie Review assignment.
  2. They were given a handout of several pieces of literature for our new unit on Anticipation. After twenty minutes of class time writing their movie review, they were to read the short story titled “The Broken Globe” and have it read for tomorrow’s class.
  3. They were given a handout with questions on it for all the literature in this sub-unit on Perspectives and Passages. Click on the link above to get a copy of the question sheet.
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December 11

ELA A30: Dec 11

  1. It took a while for some students to get settled. (This is becoming problematic.)
  2. We reviewed what was going on in the play when we ended last Friday. Then we continued with our reading and answering the scene questions. We finished the play and discussed it’s relevance in our ELA A30 unit.


  1. We began a new sub-unit based on the voice of Multicultural people in Canada. We began reading a short story called “Why My Mother Can’t Speak English.” Students are to have that story read for tomorrow’s class.
December 11

Hist 20: Dec 11

  1. Their writing assignment, based on their viewing of the movie Uprising, was due to be handed in today.
  2. Students were given a chapter handout and told to have it read and the chapter questions (1-7) done for tomorrow’s class.
December 11

Social 8: Dec 11

  1. Students handed in their Personal Coat of Arms assignment.
  2. Students read through the introduction to this unit and we discussed the complexities and possibilities of the topics.
  3. Students began watching a video that summarizes the finding of Canada and its progression to becoming a Confederation.
December 8

ELA 20: Dec 8

Ms. Waldner’s review of The Emperor’s Club


  1. Students responded really well at the end of the movie yesterday. There were many comments that it was a “very good movie/ kind of sad.” Today, students began brainstorming and writing the rough draft of their movie review that is to focus on the ‘anticipation’ theme in the movie.
  2. We worked in the projector room and constructed the beginning of a movie review together to give students an idea of how to begin their review assignment. Click on the link above to see the review I created to get them started. (They cannot ‘copy’ that review. They must make their assignment their own. )
  3. Here are some quotes from the movie to consider using in your movie review…

Memorable Quotes from

The Emperor’s Club (2002)

William Hundert: Great ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance. What will your contribution be? How will history remember you?

William Hundert: Aristophanes once wrote, roughly translated; “Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated, and drunkenness sobered, but STUPID lasts forever.”

Older Deepak Mehta: A great teacher has little external history to record. His life goes over into other lives. These men are pillars in the intimate structure of our schools. They are more essential than its stones or beams, and they will continue to be a kindling force and a revealing power in our lives.  

William Hundert: The worth of a life is not determined by a single failure or a solitary success.  

William Hundert: However much we stumble, it is a teacher’s burden always to hope, that with learning, a boy’s character might be changed. And, so, the destiny of a man.  

William Hundert: Sir, it’s my job to mold your son’s character, and I think if… Senator Bell: Mold him? Jesus God in Heaven, son. You’re not gonna mold my boy. Your job is to teach my son. You teach him his times tables. Teach him why the world is round. Teach him who killed who and when and where. That is your job. You, sir, will not mold by son. I will mold him.  

Martin Blythe: [from the plate above Mr. Hundert’s classroom] I am Shutruk Nahunte, King of Anshand and Sussa, Sovereign of the land of Elam. I destroyed Sippar, took the stele of Niran-Sin, and brought it back to Elam, where I erected it as an offering to my god. Shutruk Nahunte – 1158 B.C.  

[Sedgewick cheated at the Mr. Julius Caesar competition] William Hundert: Why, Sedgewick? You knew the material. Sedgewick Bell: Why not?


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