June 22

ELA B10: Jn 22 Final Exam and Final Class…

  1. The students did well in putting a fair amount of effort and time writing their final exam.
  2. They were reminded that today was the deadline for their blogs to be marked and added to their class mark. If it was not completed by the end of the school day, they would still be required to complete it but would not receive marks for it. A handful of them stuck around after school to double check how to add the links or embed videos properly. All in all, I’m extremely pleased with the quality of work many have put into their blog project. I’m excited to see how they continue to develop it for their ELA 20 class next year!
June 22

Zac’s password

Zac… here’s your password for your blog.

Now that you have it, I’m going to delete the password, but I’ll leave this post on here to remind me of the time when you called me “dear” and because it’s the first time I’ve used my audio comment option! 😀

March 12

ELA B10: Mar 12 Discussion Rights and Responsibilities…

  1. Students started this new sub-unit on Monday when they investigated some world issues and decided which to choose for their expository essay. Today we discussed the theme a bit more carefully and looked at a list of Universal Rights and Freedoms, as put together by the United Nations.
  2. We watched a few videos created to inform people of these universal rights and then read a poem about a couple who had decided to adopt a young baby, but were negotiating which race was suitable because there were certain ones they just would not consider accepting.
  3. We also read / listened to the song “Eleanor Rigby”, written by two of the Beatles, about two people who were alone in their lives and how they finally crossed paths but when it was too late to be an influence on the other. Hopefully, we all live more enriched lives since we have such opportunity and freedom in our country.

These Universal Rights Public Service Announcements are very well done – but were created by the Church of Scientology. Does that change your opinion of what you see?



February 12

ELA B10: Feb 12 Non-visual minorities – better or worse?

  1. We had a short discussion today as an introduction to the topic highlighted by the movie they were about to view. We reviewed the fact that we’ve discussed recently a lot about the prejudice and racists attitudes towards several minority groups in our society – Black people in the states (predominately) and Japanese, East Indian, or Aboriginal peoples in Canada – but the focus shifted today to minority groups of people who are just as likely to face certain levels or discrimination but are not as visually apparent. In this regard, they may seem to blend in to their surroundings or society to a certain extent but there is always the potential around them that someone may have a prejudice against them, not based on skin colour, but other things just as unfair, such as their religion or sexual orientation.
  2. Students then began watching the movie School Ties, with Brandon Frasier who plays a Jewish quarter-back who is hired by an elite and private prep-school who otherwise excludes Jewish students from enrolling. He originally hides this area of his life from his new school mates, until it’s discovered and his friends quickly turn on him even though he seems to be the same honest guy they were originally drawn to prior to knowing. It’s a really great movie and I was so pleased to see (and hear) how well students were equally drawn to the story line. In particular, it was intriguing to me how Mike and John kept adding play-by-plays to what was going on in the movie but their comments were completely relevant and insightful! Impressive… lol how did that happen!? 

    See if this movie looks familiar to you.


February 11

ELA B10: Feb 11 Recording the photo narratives…

  1. It’s slightly difficult when there is only one computer I can make available to students who are ready to record and produce their narrative photo essay. I could only set up one student at a time at my school computer so they could use the mic system I use for broadcasting the online classes. Other students did a fair job of continuing to edit their own project until it was their turn or working on something else to use their time well.
December 12

ELA 20: Dec 12 Summary of Perspectives / Passages sub-unit… movie viewing…

  1. I reminded students that their essays were due by the end of the day, the length of their extension. Any essays not handed in will no longer be accepted and their essay topic will change.
  2. We looked at the “bigger picture” of the unit to see how it all pieces together. I focused on the definitions and meaning of both the words “Perspectives” and “Passages”. Then we reviewed the literature we’ve studied to see the theme they all have in common – young people struggling through attaining independence and navigating their way while the adults in their lives stand nearby wanting to help, able to help, but are restricted by that exact independence being tested by the youth.
  3. We watched the first part of a wonderful movie that directly speaks to our overall unit of “Anticipation” and specifically looks at perspectives and passages. Here is a link to a summary of the movie’s plot.
  4. Here’s a link to a video of the beginning of the film. It’s such a great movie!
November 20

Nov 20: ELA 20 Dramatic reading of climactic chapter…

  1. We read through Chapter 18 today, which was one of the  most dramatic chapters from the novel so far. It included Mayella Ewell’s testimony and cross examination by Atticus and we, as readers, finally got more details regarding what actually happened that eventually led to Tom Robinson’s arrest. It seemed pretty clear, though what we read though, that Mayella is a confused person and her testimony seemed somewhat shakey. (Ie: Answering that she didn’t remember Tom hitting her and then realizing her mistake and boldly correcting herself saying he did, he did!)
  2. The chapter was actually so intense when the bell rang to end class that I asked the students if they’d just like to read through to finish the chapter and they did, all but one. It was better to keep that heightened tension built up through the class and finish it off, rather than trying to experience it the same way at the beginning of next class!
  3. Remember, this novel is based on a real situation that occured where white women accused a black man of a similar deed. The man was found guilty, but on acquittal, it became more and more clear that the women were lying. The events of Chapter 18 give strong evidence that Harper Lee wrote the book in response to the unfortunate events that happened in her home area.
October 29

Halloween and Open House coming soon!!

The school is looking pretty spooktacular in preparations for the Open House tomorrow and Halloween the day after. Little events like these mean different things to different people but I’ve really enjoyed seeing the creativity of the art students coming out in their projects. Some of them, I’ve seen, have completely embraced the opportunity to really put great effort in their work. I’m looking forward to capturing, if possible, finished products to save them for posterity. Keep up the good work, everyone!



Some of the art work they’ve done in class, too, has turned out so well it deserves its turn to be formally presented, framed and matted and all. Such great care and attention was put into the details of this work, it’s nice to see a finished product once they are satisfied with their work. Parents will have an opportunity to see some of this work framed when they come for the open house tomorrow night. Maybe we’ll even do a silent auction to sell the art?! What do you think – do these look worthy of being auctioned off?