March 25

Playing with Poetry – “The Piano”

The Piano 1Use the following text, copy it to a word document, and play with where the lines should end to create your own version of this poem. See if you can use line length / endings as dramatically as the author does.


I sit on the edge of the dining room, almost in the living room where my parents, my grandmother, & the visitors sit knee to knee along the chesterfield & in the easy chairs. The room is full & my feet do not touch the floor, barely reach the rail across the front of my seat. Of course you will want Bobby to play – words that jump out from the clatter of teacups & illnesses. The piano is huge, unforgettable. It takes up the whole end wall of the living room, faces me down a short corridor of plump knees, balanced saucers, hitched trousers. ‘Well when is Bob going to play?’ one of them asks. My dad says, ‘Come on, boy, they’d like you to play for them,’ & clears a plate of cake from the piano bench. I walk between the knees & sit down where the cake was, switch on the fluorescent light above the music. Right at the first notes the conversation returns to long tales of weddings, relatives bombed out again in England, someone’s mongoloid baby, & there I am at the piano with no one listening or even going to listen unless I hit sour notes, or stumble to a false ending. I finish. Instantly they are back to me. ‘What a nice touch he has,’ someone interrupts herself to say. ‘It’s the hands,’ says another, ‘It’s always the hands, you can tell by the hands,’ & so I get up & hide my fists in my hands.


Option: Open the following website, paste the poem text into it, and configure the settings to get the most appropriate visual representation of the poem’s theme or tone as you can.


December 9

ELA 20: Dec 9 Unit Exam…

  1. Our test was scheduled for yesterday, but with the snow day it was pushed back to today. That hopefully means they had (or used!) more time to study!
  2. Tomorrow we’ll continue on with our next unit, Anticipation. There are some really great literature pieces in this Unit that I’m excited to share with them!
  3. Don’t forget, either, that those students who were missing Monday for CWEX have another blog entry to complete. The topic for the two paragraphs is about the novel we’ve just read. Do your posts as they are assigned and things are much easier at the end of the course!
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December 8

ELA 20: Dec 8 Snow Day… so work time…

  1. Snowflake.gif - (9K)With the weather so cold, only two Grade eleven students showed for school this morning. These same two are also students who do not participate in the Career and Work Exploration Program, so they were here for class yesterday while others were not. This means they’ve already done any “catch-up” work or assignments. They used their time to work on their classroom decorating for the judging that will likely happen tomorrow.
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December 7

ELA 20: Dec 7 New blog post assigned…

  1. Most of the students are away today for their Work Experience projects, but those who were here worked on adding another blog post in connection to their study of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Everyone was given a handout on Friday that lists the topics of each paragraph for the four posts they’ve been assigned so far. Those who knew they wouldn’t be here Monday were asked to complete the blog for homework before returning Tuesday.
  2. They also have a Unit test tomorrow that they were made aware of last week.
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December 4

ELA 20: Dec 4 Writing period 1 of 3…

  1. Students were told as we read the novel that they would be writing a literary essay analyzing one of the dynamic characters. They had a chart that they were to add supporting details to as we read. This will make their brainstorming / planning process much less time consuming or frustrating.

    This is so true!

    Does this time chart match your habits?

  2. With those charts already completed, they were able to start their essay writing today  by choosing three supporting details and planning the body paragraphs for each.
  3. The way the “in class” essay will work is all their writing papers will remain here in the classroom. They will get them at the beginning of the class to work on but have to hand it in when the class it over. They will have three writing periods for this, not including the half class they had for brainstorming. Any extra time some may need they can write during spares, lunch or after school.
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