November 26

Psych 30 Unit 2 Review Resources

We’re trying to wrap up this unit to allow you time for Unit 3 and an Inquiry (Personal Interest) Project.

You decided on an exam Wednesday, Dec 2. 

To confirm, the sections you’re responsible for from this unit include:

  • 2.1 Heredity and Genetics
  • 2.2 New Reproductive Technologies
  • 2.2.1 Documentary – The Great Sperm Race
  • 2.2.2 Assignment – Pregnancy Interview Project
  • 2.3 Labour and Delivery
  • 2.4 Assignment – Documentary Response (Business of Being Born)
  • 2.5 Problems of Prenatal Development
  • 2.8 Emotional Development (what we get through of it)

Supports for Reviewing:

  • Review Handout: 2.11 Unit Two Review – 2020
    This was revised to exclude the material we didn’t study. We’ll exclude parts of the last section that we don’t get through.
  • Unit 2 Inkodo Waldner Notes (diagrams, notes, menstrual cycle)
    Psych 30 Unit 2 – Prenatal Development – notes 202
  • Remember you also have access to my Psych 30 Moodle course that includes images and videos in each section.
  • Socrative Practice Quizzes for Review
    Room Psych30 – question feedback given to explain correct answers
    Room Psych301 – same but questions randomly ordered w feedback for correct answers

Good luck reviewing! Ask for help if you have questions!
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Additional Visual Resources to Further Support your Review:


Posted November 26, 2020 by Waldner in category Psych 30

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