February 7

B7.1 Assignment: Multimedia of Social Issue

After having reviewed the techniques and tools used to create a listening text like Podcasts, your final assignment is to create your own Visual text (video), which will include these similar types of tools to develop.

Sample Viral Videos on Social Change:
You can view/skim some video examples to see what techniques and formatting of their videos they used to best capture their audience’s attention and draw a wide audience to spread their message.

  • Sample Viral Video with 15 million views – check out its organization and characteristics

Student Examples: 
The following videos have been shared by former students who understand seeing a sample of a project helps give you a good idea of how to develop one yourself.

As you view them, consider the following qualities of the constructed videos:

  • what their beginnings and endings look like, in particular. These are often the least considered or developed parts of the videos, but leave a significant impact on viewers.
    • A beginning might start with a title slide and title or it begins in a more dramatic and unclear manner to catch a viewer’s attention and then narrow into the focus of the video.
    • Endings might include a simple message in text letters on final slides or it has music building for an emotionally convincing end and a narrator’s voice to impact readers.
  • You can also consider things like the quality of videos used or sound recordings.
    • Some student projects have included video that was recorded off an iPad screen, or over-pixelated video, or better quality video that’s screen recorded or downloaded straight from a video source.
  • The tools available to use by your video making program:
    • transition types
    • font styles, sizes, colours


  • Instructional Video: Overview of the characteristics and techniques to consider using to develop your video

  • ELA A10 Blog Post with many links to sound effects or video websites
    There are resources at this blog post you may find useful to develop your video project. Sound effect websites, background mood music, images and video portions that are CreativeCommons and useable for your project.
  • The many elements to consider using in your multimedia video. Click to enlarge and then click again to zoom into it.

Sample Media Projects from this Assignment – developed by former students who’ve given consent for you to view them for ideas.

Posted February 7, 2020 by Waldner in category ELA B30

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