Law 30 04 Roots of a Pluralistic Society
Canada’s beginnings were the result of struggles between three founding cultures: the French, First Nations, and British. One of the main ideas of this section is understanding the cause and effect of Quebec becoming a distinct province within Canadian Confederation. To this day, culture and the idea of “being Canadian” is practiced differently (with some limitations) within the province of Quebec.
Recent Event Examples of Quebec Interaction with the Country:
- Quebec’s new secularism bill to ban religious symbols worn by public employees – using the Charter’s Notwithstanding Clause to override religious freedoms rights.
Supporting Resources:
By Esemono – Own work, Public Domain, Link
Canada – a union of four provinces by BNA Act 1867
- Viral Meme Says “Constitution Owes its Notion of Democracy to the Iroquois” – background to the interactions/influence of the Iroquois on the Separatists
- The American Revolution through British eyes – a stark difference in perspective
- Interactive Timeline Map – click through the years to see the territory changes over time