September 13

ELA 30: Sept 13 The Snow Walker video viewing…

  1. Students began the class by handing in their answers from yesterday’s reading.
  2. We discussed again the idea of “survival” being an underlying theme of all Canadian literature. There are five examples of things Canadians fight for survival against that we looked. Students were asked to look for this theme of survival in the video they were about to watch.
  3. The Snow Walker is a movie based on a Farley Mowatt story titled “Walk Well, My Brother”. It was a great movie and the class generally agreed that it was worth watching. They were asked to reflect after viewing it and write a journal-like entry regarding their thoughts after viewing, their belief regarding whether this video fit into the unit or not, and the concept of “survival” being a theme in the movie.
  4. We discussed one of the up coming assignments with some left over time, but we’ll get to that in due time.

And by the way, the brownies were reportedly very good so thank you to my brother for his help in making them for the students last night.

Posted September 13, 2007 by Waldner in category ELA 30

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