September 13

ELA 10: Sept 13 “The Unexplained” sub-unit…

  1. There were a few students away today for golfing so we avoided a larger project today.
  2. We began looking at the idea behind the next sub-unit. We’ve discussed that this class looks at literature that explores the idea of The Unknown. Now, we move to something slightly more classified: things that are unexplained. We had a good discussion about a number of things that exist as phenomena in our world but still we are unable to confirm or deny their existence. With the accumulation of knowledge that we have gained at this point, after thousands of years, and with the advances in technology and information processing, why is it still that things exist that we cannot define or account for.
    Spontaneous Human Combustion, the Bermuda Triangle, Sasquatch, The Lochness Monster, or Curses on people: stories continue about these types of topics and skeptics and believers alike continue to disagree.
  3. We watched a few video clips to help us gain an understanding of these ideas. New video footage of a Sasquatch sighting showed that the mystery continues. We watched the trailer for the movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, a movie based on the idea of actual human contact with aliens. We viewed a video that collected different tapes of ghost sightings or strange happenings, suspectedly the evidence of poltergeists at work. We watched, also, a short portion of The Exorcism of Emily Rose to see the idea of possesion and such but did not finish watching the clip as it may have been too disturbing for an early Thursday morning discussion.
  4. When students return tomorrow, they’ll have a short Figurative Language exam to complete. From there, they have a handout with several accounts of ghost occurences in Saskatchewan and two articles reporting crop circles in Saskatchewan. They will read the articles and write a personal reflective response for each.  

Posted September 13, 2007 by Waldner in category ELA 10

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