May 11

MdSt 20: May 11 Net searching in the SCN room…

  1. Students here this afternoon continued presenting their Bias in the News posters. Those who were not here and made no other arrangements will receive no mark for the assignment.
  2. The rest of the class (and following notes) was postponed because of a discussion Mr. Ausum and Mrs. Hiltz had to have with students. They wrote on the board the requirements for graduation and discussed some of the options in classes next year. 

    The following will happen on Monday…

  3. Students are to continue with yesterday’s newspaper comparison. This is a hand-in assignment.
  4. There is also another assignment on the backside of that handout. They are to investigate thoroughly who Conrad Black is, what his background is, and why there is such controversy over him in the media currently.
  5. Once finished that, they are to also investigate the Asper Family. They have a great deal of influence over media and students are to research this, find the extent of it, and be prepared to discuss why it may or may not be dangerous to have that amount of control.
  6. There is a trick question in all this somewhere. Something intruiging is there to be discovered. We will see if anyone picks up on it and brings it to the attention of the class. If not, I will discuss with them towards the end of their searching.
  7. Here are some things to compare if you want to write a Media Log Entry focusing on news. If you look through section A of yesterday’s Star Phoenix, you will find an article about a man in Saskatoon found guilty of owning child pornography that was fighting to maintain access to the Saskatoon gymnasium building to watch gymnists. Read that article and see what tone is has in reporting that news. Then compare it to the article found in section A of the National Post this morning. See if the tone and story matches up.
    Next, while looking at the National Post, there is a story about a young soccer player who was critically injurred at a match game yesterday. His parents, however, do not want to see charges pressed against the boy who hurt him because they think enough harm has come of the accident. Read the first portion of that story and then look inside section A for the rest of the story. Look at the way that story has been placed on the page. Is there anything unusual about it? Post your response on the blog for today’s entry if you can figure out what is odd about how the editors laid out the story.

Posted May 11, 2007 by Waldner in category Media Studies 20

2 thoughts on “MdSt 20: May 11 Net searching in the SCN room…

  1. sam t

    At first glance, it looks as though the accused boy responded in the form of an article saying “the victim called me a loser.” That quote is not from the article actually featuring the story of Manny. It seems as though they are drawing attention to the article subliminally.

  2. chantelle

    What i found particularily odd about the articile, and how it was laid out was the format of the title. Directly placed underneath a picture of Lorne Park (the young victim) was this: “Victim called me a loser”. Editors made this seem almost as if this was supposed to go with the article. Possibly because they were aware this false placement would attract more readers and therefore more profit. the way the media works really does make you analyze specifics.


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