March 21

ELA B30: Night reading…

  1. Students did a great job of reading silently in the classroom. The reading must be completed for Monday. (Friday, many students will be gone for skiing.)
  2. The attached assignments will be due for Wednesday. (The class came up with a deadline that seemed fair to them.)
March 21

Hist 30: Mar 21 Riel reading timeline…

  1. With several people missing, students continued working on their Riel Rebellion reading. Students had to create a timeline from the reading with events that happened before the rebellion, during it, and after it. This will be a homework check and will come in especially handy for the upcoming major assignment.
  2. Timeline will be looked at on Monday.
March 20

Media log ideas… Pause?

  1. My tv was on tonight for background noise and a commercial caught my attention. It focused on the time it takes to pause but didn’t make it clear what topic it was in reference to. All it did was list a website to check out called I clicked on it and am interested in this new approach to a common but important topic. Have a look and see what you think about Pause?

Recall, with some of the advertisements we’ve looked at, it seems odd that it doesn’t make the item being advertised very clear? This is another example of this. What is the benefit of leaving the concept or direction slightly unclear?

March 20

MdSt 20: Mar 20 Continued ad analysis quiz…

  1. Students who did not complete yesterday’s quiz will continue with their quiz. (It was taken in at the end of class.)
  2. Have a look on the homework blog and see two more entries in the Media Log Ideas category. There are two news reports listed there that you could potentially write a media log entry on.
  3. Students have a list of any missing assignments from this class. Those who have completed the quiz will be able to utilize this time to complete those assignments and hand them in for marks.
  4. Many students will be missing for a ski trip on Thursday. These assignments need to be handed in by Thursday, regardless of the trip, in order to receive marks.
March 20

ELA B10: Mar 20 Poster assignment…


  1. Students were shown a few examples of poster projects from last year’s ELA B10 class. Students have to create a poster to represent either a Theme of the novel, a Chapter summary, or an example of symbolism. There was a list to choose from and it was ‘first come first serve’ in who got to do which topic.
  2. Students were given the rubric on how they will be evaluated and I clearly detailed what each portion entailed.
  3. The students had this class, and will work through tomorrow’s class and possibly Thursday to complete this. The poster project is due on Thursday.
March 20

ELA B30 / Hist 30 Mar 20 Assignments missing in action…

  1. Today, I conferenced with each student who was present to make sure they were aware of any missing assignments. This class was given for students to catch up and hand in these assignments before their mark is put together for report cards.
  2. Students who had no missing assignments continued working on the reading assignments or were rewarded for their diligence with a free class.
March 20

Media log ideas… The “N” word on South Park?

There was a clip of the tv cartoon South Park on tonight shown during a news report. Apparently, a new version of the show has the “n” word repeated forty times and has upset several people. This is a pretty particular word that obviously commands a lot of attention when it is used. Whether Black people can say it freely or whether no one should be using it is still a social faux paux not yet clearly determined. This show used the word in a episode where one White character was suddenly turned on by all of society and discriminated against with people calling him a “N-caller”. The idea behind the show was actually positive and is applauded by many Black Americans because it shows how much hatred flows behind those who say the word to individuals. This cartoon episode was meant to mock or parody the way Black people were harrassed through the use of this word. Now it is a White man harrassed for saying the same word. What are your thoughts about this?

Be very clear – the creators of this episode are making a social comment about the words we use against each other to discriminate in society. They are not just using this word for the fun of it. They are making a firm and serious point.



This link goes to a CNN news report of the episode and the backlash from it. Watch the clip to get a better idea of why people are upset.

March 20

Media log ideas…. Bong Hits For Jesus??

This was an interesting news report on tv tonight. A high school student on a school trip to watch the passing of the Olympic Torch through town held up a banner suddenly that said “Bong hits for Jesus”. The principal of the student suspended him for violating school policy in promoting drug use. The student said in defense that he was practicing his right to freedom of speech. It has now gone to the Supreme Court to be decided if anyone’s rights were violated and to determine how far the actions of a school administrator can go. A very prominent U.S. lawyer has taken the case pro bono (for free) because this ruling could set precident for other cases where students could potentially sue administrators personally despite the fact they are only following school division policies. What do you think?  The student is being represented by the ACLU. Look that group up. What do they stand for and why have they taken his case?

 There are several videos to watch here and each tries to promote their side but do they do it fairly or do they use language to sway opinion?


Also, if you look on youtube and search “Bong hits for Jesus” you’ll get several clips of this. The ACLU has their own video they have posted on there. What is that called when one side promotes their cause in some media form?


March 19

ELA B10: Mar 19 Finish movie and discussion of themes…

  1. Students finished viewing the movie.
  2. A handout was given with a review of the main characters and contained a chapter summary of each chapter. This may be useful for some when studying for the final in June.
  3. We read through a list of themes, symbolism, and conflicts in the novel. We, as a class, came up with examples of each of these and will use this for the next individual project starting tomorrow.