March 8

MdSt 20: Mar 8 Special K ads and male body obsessions…


  1. Students were given a handout and we read a quick description of a new type of ad campaign put out by Kelloggs. They focused on a ‘feel good as you are’ campaign to catch the attention of people who are used to the negative influence from ads. There were six specific ads in the handout and students got in pairs and analyzed each of the ads, writing their comments.  There are six questions for students to respond to for tomorrow’s class.

special_k13.gif The tag line for this photo says “Ironically, she’s the one concerned about her weight.” Catch your attention, does it?

special_k32.gif  The tag line here is “If this is beauty, there’s something wrong with the eye of the beholder.” What do you think of the body weight of this model? Is it unhealthy, or is it considered the norm in many modelling agencies for high fashion?

Posted March 8, 2007 by Waldner in category Media Studies 20

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