October 7

Soc 9 05 Worldview Expressed in Oral Tradition

  1. Recently, you worked in groups to read portions of a text that summarized the influences on Indigenous Worldviews in Canada. Each group developed a 3-point summary for each section, linked here. Student Section Summaries – Indig Worldview text 2021
    • economy
    • social structure
    • government
    • education and influence of Elders
  2. Next, we’re going to consider for ourselves how we’ve been taught lessons in our families and culture. Then we’ll read about Oral Storytelling from Indigenous experiences
    1. Socrative Open Question Responses – stories used for teaching
    2. Text Reading: oral_tradition text – pg 38-
    3. Then you’ll do a Scoot Activity with a partner – answers will be given to you and you’ll have to identify what the question is for each.
  3. Rules for Respecting Elders: being prepared to listen
  4. Examples of Oral Storytelling – teachings
    1. How the People Hunted the Moose – Woodland Cree
    2. The Whiskey Jack’s Coat
    3. Stories told through objects – different culture groups
    4. Handwritten Samples of Oral Stories – museum site
  5. Creation Stories – from many backgrounds – English recordings + pdf

After viewing question: What were the stories you heard from your older relatives – grandparents or even parents – about their experiences in childhood?

Posted October 7, 2021 by Waldner in category Social Studies 9

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