January 9

ELA A10 B8 Challenges Society Has Faced – Documentary Sites

You’ll soon begin a project-based inquiry, focusing on developing your skills of questioning, critical thinking, and problem solving. For this activity, you will select a Documentary and study it for its codes and conventions, including such things as the source, any agenda the makers might have had, relevance or truthfulness of the information relayed, as well as any techniques employed to manipular the viewer.

Before watching, you’ll want to understand some of the techniques and characteristics specific to documentaries. The following YouTube video includes an overview of them:

Documentaries may be a genre of video text that you have less experience with,Image result for documentaries so you’ll first need to develop a fair understanding of what sets this type of film apart from other video texts, like movies. While a movie has the purpose of entertaining, documentaries have the purpose of convincing audiences of something. For that reason, a viewer needs to be aware of that agenda and monitor what they view with a critical eye.


Before Watching Your Documentary: you should approach a documentary differently than you approach watching a movie. If you’re not experienced with that difference, the following articles will help you understand the difference.

Website Sources of Documentaries you could choose from:

Spreadsheet: There are tons of documentaries you can pick from and that are accessible online to you from this Spreadsheet. If you know of others you think should be added to the list, let me know! View only link here.


Sample Documentary Titles you might be interested in:

  • The Cove – dolphin killing in Japan
  • Blackfish – on Netflix or I have a copy
  • White Like Me – racism and white privilege
  • Myths for Profit – exploiting notion of Canada as peacekeeper vs involved in arms trade
  • Supersize Me – man eats nothing but McDonalds food to see how it affects the body
  • My Life as a Gamer – gamers play/develop and donate their proceeds to Save the Children funds
  • Audrie and Daisy – two young hs girls both sexually assaulted by boys at their school / after math (Netflix)
  • Miss Representation – documentary explores the codes of female gender repeated through media
January 6

ELA 9, 2017 B7 Starting Shakespeare (day 1)

We’ll have a fun, engaged, #activelearning class in this activity in #ELA9! We’re starting #Shakespeare and will dig around online with the topic of #languagedevelopment – since the text of any of #TheBard plays is brim-full of new language. We’ll explore online on a topic and go wherever the searches take us. We’re fortunate to have 1:1 #edtech #byod so each student is able to direct their own online discovery of this topic or go at their own pace.Will Ferrell Swagger by zachattacker | Will ferrell, Funny people, Make me laugh

Starting with:

      1. Word of the Year: Several different dictionary companies/sites have identified a single word to represent that year
        Word of the Year 2014 – culture (culture shock, culture of fear
        Word of the Year 2015 – not actually a word but an emoji, for the first time
        The Word of the Year for 2016 from the different Dictionary sites are: Brexit, Surreal, and Post-Truth.
        a) what is a Word of the Year (in general) and
        b) why is there such a thing?
        c) What is 2020’s Word of the Year and what about that year is the reason for this choice?
      2. Top 10 Words of the Year Lists: Several dictionaries also have narrowed down the top 10 important words of a year. Not all words are new, but possibly used in a new context or more often searched in that year as a response to an event of that year. What words stand out in a Top 10 List from 2020’s year?
      3. Newly-Added/Suggested Words to Dictionary Sites: Next, look at the words these dictionary companies have recently accepted as new suggested words to be added to their published dictionary, book copies or online sites. This is where we’ll have a lot of fun – there are a lot of mash-ups, or new word combinations to make a single word. One student asked once “How lazy are people?”, but it may be just the opposite of lazy, since it takes a bit more effort to create something new as opposed to using what exists.
        * January 2021 New Words Added to the Dictionary
        * April 2020 New Words Added to the DictionaryFor yourself, collect a list of your Top 20 new words that you like. Some of our favourites have been:

        1. Double double – Canadian slang for “two cream-two sugars”
        2. Autocowrong – when autocorrect changes a word to the wrong word
        3. Noice – extremely good, very nice
        4. Confrustion – frustrating confusion
        5. Bromaid – a male bridesmaid
        6. Bulletize – to format a summary of text into bullet points
        7. Craydar – ability to be aware of crazy people in the vicinity
        8. Siq – cool way to spell “sick”
        9. Trumpatized – traumatized by the idea of Trump as President
        10. Bae- before anyone else
        11. #PMHT – pardon my hashtag
        12. Architectophile – a person with a strong interest in architecture
        13. Edventure – an educational adventure
        14. Squirkle – a square with rounded edges
        15. Legitly – in a legitimate manner
      4. Slang – shorthand language. Skim through this slideshow of viral slang for 2016. These words are different as they may not be recognized formally by a dictionary, but are still popular enough or used enough to have a recognizable meaning.
        One example surprised us: FB/LB which people will often post on Instagram. It means “follow back/like back”.
      5. Next Comes: Famous Movie Quotes Translated to Text Language
        This is an example of how culture and era of time impact language. Can you make your own famous movie quotes altered to use today’s common text abbreviations? 
      6. You Won’t Understand it all:
      7. How relevant is Shakespeare today?
        Watch this video to understand how much Shakepeare stories are still referenced in today’s culture.
      8. Who was he? His background
      9. Translating to Shakespeare: common rules in translation
        1. talk like Shakespeare
        2. Shakespeare Translator
      10. The Father of Phrases: phrases he invented or new words
        1. See what phrases you recognize
      11. Talented Insulter: insulting each other

This will be a lively, engaged and concept-attainment sort of class! Have fun with it!