March 9

ELA B10: Mar 9 Choose a topic…

  1. Our unit for this course focuses on Equalities – equality of opportunity, of rights, of protection and many others. We, ourselves, face very little hardship mostly because our protected rights are honoured in our country. Many other countries do not have such protection for the citizens of their countries. The people living there live in conditions much different than our own. Are you aware that cultural genocide is happening still today? Even after the world has been shocked and ashamed for decades after the genocide of the Jews in World War II, it is happening during our lifetime but yet we are mostly unaware or unphased by it. Do we have a responsibility to be educated about the plight of others? What do you think?
  2. Your assignment is to consider a current events issue that relates to the unit – somewhere people’s rights are not being protected or something is happening that seems unjust and you think it should be our responsibility to at least be informed, at the very least.

    You will research your topic to find relevant information during this first class. In particular, today though, you have to keep a record of each website you visit in looking for that information. Open a word document and put your topic as the title. Then, for each website you visit, copy and paste the URL link to your document and write a short description of the information from that page (ie: good, bad, useful pictures, good explanation of the conflict, etc). You may print off some pages of information to the computer lab, with Mr. Heath’s permission first. You will write a formal expository essay on Thursday and Friday. Use your time wisely to choose a topic and find relevant information about it. Consider following this time guideline:

    1. Monday: Brainstorm for topic; begin searching for information and resources; copy / paste each website and write short description
    2. Tuesday: Continue research; organize information to ensure you have enough support and know the direction your essay will take
    3. Wednesday: work in classroom to organize information into essay outline, rough draft
    4. Thursday: In class essay writing, rough draft (all work handed in at end of class)
    5. Friday: In class essay writing, complete rough (first) draft (all work handed in at end of class)
  3. Some ideas for your essay could include:
    1. The treatment of women and children in third world countries
    2. Continued child labour factories
    3. Communist countries that dictate an individual’s occupation, family size etc
    4. Murder / attacks on missionaries in third world countries
    5. Child poverty in Canada
    6. Child soldiers in Africa
    7. Living conditions on Canadian reservations
    8. Death of children from preventable causes
    9. Fair trade issues
    10. Arms trade
    11. Third world debt

Here is a link to a website that has more options and information for each. Again, be sure to begin documenting the websites you visit. I’ll look for this word document tomorrow.

Use your time wisely, please. And reminder…. no YouTube videos.

Posted March 9, 2009 by Waldner in category ELA 10

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