September 18

ELA 20: Sept 18 Oral speeches / presenting their reflective essays…

  1. Students came in prepared today to present their speeches and hand in their essay. Numbers were put up on the board and students called out, first come first serve, the order they felt comfortable presenting their speech. Things ran very smoothly from there.
  2. I was most impressed by how prepared and focused they were on presenting their speeches properly. Some were more than moving and they all reflected some personal topics. I appreciate their confidence in sharing that with each other in the context of this class.
  3. Our class carried over into their gym class for a short bit but we pushed on through, finishing up everyone’s speech today. Mr. Weinkauf was very understanding and helpful. Students were given their marks before leaving class, although they weren’t given the rubric with the written observations yet, as I have to mark them in the book.

Wonderful job, Grade elevens. I was really, honestly impressed by your effort, your confidence, and pleased at how enjoyable a process it seemed to some of you. Well done!

Posted September 18, 2007 by Waldner in category ELA 20

1 thoughts on “ELA 20: Sept 18 Oral speeches / presenting their reflective essays…

  1. Amanda

    Hey there! Well, I have to start off by saying that everyone did a terrific job at their speeches. They were all well done and it seemed that everyone put a lot of time and effort into making them. Great job! I have to say that I liked Eric’s essay the best. It was very meaningful, and I like how he said “Everyone can draw; it just might not turn out good”. That quote means a lot all on its own. His essay was very unique and well thought out.

    I appreciate that Kristie mentioned her grandpa. I imagine that it took a lot of courage to say that all in front of the class. It was a job well done! I also have to say that Khelan had a good word selection. He used the most creative and bazaar words that you could possible think of and he told his stories very descriptively. I felt like I was there at that moment in his life, even though I wasn’t. Everyone did a great job on them and they were all individually great. Through the speeches you could really see each person’s character, and I liked that. I can say that this assignment has helped me to understand my classmates a little more than I already did. Even though for some of us it was nerve racking to read out load in front of the class, I think that we all deserve a pat on the back for the excellent job that we did.


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