September 14

ELA 30: Sept 14 Two short stories on nature and seasons…

  1. We discussed what is included when we consider “Nature and Seasons”. Nature consists of the animals, the growth of the land and the environment that exists in the area. Seasons are not only for the seasons of the year that change, but could also mean the seasons of life, counted by years, decades or ages.
  2. To get in the right mindset before reading the stories, we watched two video trailers on my laptop. One highlighted the video called Snow Falling on Cedars that tells the story on the West Coast during World War II when Japanese Canadians were taken from their homes and put into internment camps. The footage of the young kids playing on the Western Coast, frolicking over the beached logs and animals there. This was contrasted by the harsh, wet weather of the Eastern Coast in Newfoundland showcased in the video The Shipping News. The cold winds and livelihood of fishing that people in the area rely on force those people to dress differently, build their houses differently, and create a different identity for the, just because of their location in Canada.
    The main idea to understand is an individual’s identity, as a Canadian, is influenced by the natural world that surrounds them and the diversity of the seasons.
  3. We answered together questions regarding yesterday’s video. Then, we began reading together the first of the two stories. “God is Not a Fish Inspector” is a compelling story and we nearly finished it before the bell rang. We will continue next class.

Posted September 14, 2007 by Waldner in category ELA 30

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