May 22

ELA B10: May 22 Macbeth Iiii – Iv reading / discussion / questions…


  1. We started with a reminder on the board: “Not all things are as they seem.” This is very similar to the first few lines of the play that the witches chant and also a line Macbeth himself repeats: “Fair is foul, and foul is fair”. The way something appears may be different from the reality of that thing.  This is central to understanding how the witches are able to tempt Macbeth to alter his fate.
  2. We continued with the reading, going through it one scene at a time and then answering the questions together right after.
  3. The central part of today’s discussion is the understanding that Macbeth had been plotting to kill King Duncan, even before the witches predicted he would be king. He was very upset by the thought of it though, so it is unlikely he will actually go through with his wish. However, his wife, who is considered the fourth witch in the play, seems to have a stronger heart for going through with the deed and sets about plotting to go through with it herself since her husband has “too much of the milk o’ human kindness”. The question to consider is, ultimately, who is responsible for the murder?
May 22

ELA B30: May 22 Ch 8-10 questions / themes…


  1. Students discussed the questions for ch 8-10 together and composed responses as a class.
  2. We moved straight from that discussion to list several possible themes of the novel on the board. I gave five examples and explained how they were themes matching the novel. Students had to figure out three other themes on their own. We compiled them all on the board and looked at the list of themes as a whole. All of these themes are applicable to any story, poem, play, or essay we have taken in this semester of English. They are all elements and conditions of being human.
May 18

MdSt 20: May 18 Disturbing images and realities in the video…

  1. Students continued to watch Farenheit 911. We stopped at different occassions while students asked questions or commented on parts they were upset by.
  2. Things in this documentary are starting to resemble other things we’ve discussed in class, like the footage of soldiers in Iraq approaching their work there like it is a video game with wild music on in the background. There is also similar footage from another documentary we watched that showed the effects of the napalm-like substance the U.S dropped in Iraq that was meant for terrorists but hit many civilians.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Controvery over the documentary playing in cinemas around the country. Documentaries haven’t, until recently, been shown in mainstream cinemas.

May 18

Hist 30: May 18 Unit three exam…

  1. Students had two exams to choose from, both of equal difficulty and length. They had to play the odds in choosing from one pile or the other, just to add a little fun to the exam process. (No, really it was because some people wrote the exam yesterday and I always have two exams when that is the case.)
  2. They mostly seemed to do fairly well and some put in a stellar effort in the length of time they took to try to recall information. That in itself is a success.
  3. They were told to bring their binders to the exam because it may be worth marks. I looked through everyone’s binder and gave them a bonus five possible marks depending on how thorough, neat, and complete their notes and handouts were.
May 17

MdSt 20: May 17 Hand in assignments / documentary viewing…

  1. Students were asked to hand in their five assignments they have finished up recently. I will accept them as well tomorrow.
  2. We began watching the documentary by Micheal Moore titled Farenheit 9-11. Before going into the projector room, we talked about the recent conflict over Moore in the news. He is filming a new documentary titled Sicko  and took 9-11 rescue workers with health problems to Cuba for medical treatment. This is against American laws!
    We began watching the film and students were asked to look for examples and methods of Moore’s bias through his filming. They are clear to pick up his opinions much more carefully now.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /][kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
Students were smart to point out the use of music and footage to create a point that is not necessarily fact-based. See what you think?

May 17

Hist 30: May 17 Video of P.M. biographies…

  1. We watched the biography of both Diefenbaker and Pearson. Students watched and took notes. They were reminded the test for Unit 3 is tomorrow and that it may be worth marks for them to bring their binder with them.
    Be clear, I have never said it will be an open book exam so do not rely on that. You may be sorrily mistaken.
    Please study hard. You were told last Friday about this exam. It would be quite disappointing for many of you to do poorly when you were given every opportunity to prepare.

Here is a link that leads to the online transcripts of each biography.

May 17

ELA B30: May 17 Questions and Ch 9 reading…


  1. Students were given a handout of the questions for ch 5-8. Once finished, we began again with our reading, beginning at Ch 9. We stopped occasionally to discuss the paralells of the story to actualy History.
    The major point of the discussion was to point out who the voice of Benjamin symbolizes. He symbolizes the scoffers and people who were skeptical of Stalin’s propaganda tactics and plans, but he also represents the voice of the Author, Orwell.
May 17

ELA B10: May 17 Witches hatching evil plans…

  1. We began class today with a few leading questions to get students in the right mindset. Do you think your fate is set (destined) or do you feel that you have some control over how things end? Do you feel there is “evil” out there to play with your destiny, or that some people are born with bad luck while others are not? Do you think people are born monsters or do they become that way because of their tragic situations and decisions? These are all ideas that come from the plot of Macbeth.
  2. A handout was given with several scenarios and students were to rate them from 1-15, with 1 being the most heinous and evil. For example, do you think it is more evil to plan a murder but not commit it or for a king to order the death of his enemy’s wife and child?
  3. We watched the introduction to the Macbeth movie. It is quite a controvercial version of the play. You’ll enjoy it!
  4. We started reading! Students volunteered for parts and as we read, we stopped occasionally for me to paraphrase and reword what is going on. It helps to create the scene or picture as we read.
    See the clip below that shows the opening of the movie.

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]