March 26

ELA B10: Mar 26 Shrewd Todie and Lyzer the Myzser…

  1. We have finished all dicussions of the novel Of Mice and Men so we are continuing on through our unit on Equality.
  2. We began with a short story titled “Shrewd Todie and Lyzer the Myzer”. I read the story aloud as students either followed along or listened. Each student had a handout where they had to list the parts of the story, such as describing the setting, the characters, parts of the plot, etc. This was to be done individually and handed in right away. This will be evaluated to assess how well an individual student is able to comprehend and recall information from the story.
  3. Once the oral reading was done, students paired up and were given the assignment to retell the same story but with a modern or present day touch. They had the rest of the class to work on coming up with their story.

Posted March 26, 2007 by Waldner in category ELA B10

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