January 15

Have you started reviewing??

student-writing-ex.jpg            Exams are coming!! 

Remember, it’s not the best idea to try to cram a whole year’s worth of information into your head in one weekend prior to your week of exams. If you have an idea that you’ll most likely be writing exams, why not spend an hour or two a day just reading through your notes to refresh your memory. Now’s the time, right? If you sit down on Saturday and suddenly realize you’re missing notes and don’t understand what you scribbled underneath some assignment, now is the time to ask the questions.

All it takes it a quick read through sometimes to jog your memory.

Tips for writing your exam, too?

Bring in some gum to chew as it relaxes the muscles in your mouth and relieves tension in your body. (It is especially helpful if it is flavor-filled, like Watermellon or Grape that will often bring back memories of childhood for you. That auromatherapy is actually helpful!)

Also, bring in a bottle of water. Studies have actually proven that sipping water while writing an exam can help you keep your energy level up, helps you to not get so stressed too easily, and allows you to keep going for a bit longer than you might without the water.

Also, it’s helpful in writing a long exam, to take a mental break and even put your pencil or pen down and just stretch your hands or shoulders. No one says you have to continuously write while you’re thinking of a good response to a question. Put your pencil down now and then and just let the answer come to you. (Do this within reason and don’t waste too much time, of course, but it is a little less stressing and gives your hands a break.)

 Good luck preparing!  You will be given your recommends (or condolences) on Thursday at the end of the day.
Ms. Waldner

Posted January 15, 2007 by Waldner in category Uncategorized

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