January 21

ELA 7-8 Holocaust Resources

Our next unit is a Novel Study focusing on a time period in history that’s significant – it involved the attempted extermination of a race of people in Europe, the Holocaust.

Handout 9.0 Pg 3- 4 There are boxes to summarize the information from each of the sections in this pdf (below). There is a video instead for box #2

09. Images rise-of-the-nazis_orig


The following video goes with questions on pg 5 of the handout.

Pg 6 & 7 summarizing with rotating partners

09. Pre-reading on Nazis pt 2 pdf merged

Category: ELA 7/8 | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 3

ELA 7-8 AI Generated Images Expressing Emotions: Step 1 Making Images

We’re studying texts about feeling included or excluded, so we’ve had some fun letting AI Generate images to represent these emotions and thoughts.

  1. Students had to generate a list of words, feelings for what Exclusion feels like. Then the same for what Inclusion feels like.
  2. Then, we used different websites to generate these images in a variety of styles.
    1. The Dream.ai website was great for the variety of styles available, but sometimes the images took a long time to generate. And they, sometimes, weren’t as abstract which takes some of the fun out of the final project.
    2. We used https://magicstudio.com/ai-art-generator/ to easily make images. It was fast, but it doesn’t have a list of styles to pick from. The images made seemed repetitive. So we started adding in the “word list” style names from the Dream.ai website to generate a variety of images. (We maybe want to avoid asking for “tattoo style” on this website, though. lol)
    3. Students have to generate at least 7 images for the Exclusion feelings and 7 images for the Inclusion feeling.
    4. Then they had to select the 5 of each they’re going to use for their presentation.

Here are a variety of the images generated. And a snip of the kinds of “styles” you can request the AI site to make for you.



Category: ELA 7/8 | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 21

Friday March 22 Sub Resources

Period 3: Psych 20

Behavioural Studies documentary – it specifically focuses on issues of people being “obedient” to a perceived “authority figure”.
You should take notes on the aspects or examples of this issue that are included in the documentary.

 Trigger Warning: I discussed with you yesterday, too, that there are disturbing events described (with some blurred videos) in this documentary. I’ve edited this video myself for displaying in a classroom.

Period 4: ELA 9

Deciding: Is the Monster real or is it in Conor’s head?
Could the Monster be real and only seen by Conor or is it in his head?

  1. I want you in groups of no-more-than-three to study the text, what you remember of certain events, and decide on this main question, first.
  2. Then, you have to find your supports that prove your claim. There may be specific moments from the storyline you want to point to for support. I’ve shared the PDFs of the pages with you AND I am sharing a Sheet with you that should help you narrow down/find those moments on the pages so you can CHECK THE TEXT. Find the text evidence that supports your position as a group.
  3. Develop a presentation that you’ll all deliver to the class live. It should include:
    1. A beginning, middle, and end.
    2. Be well organized – like a paragraph goes through steps, so should the presentation.
    3. Be written in a Convincing, Persuasive tone/manner.
    4. Include the Text References as support – along with analysis of your text examples.
    5. A conclusion – wrap it all up
    6. It should also be visually interesting, as a presentation.
    7. And each of the potential 3 team members have to have a role in delivery of the presentation.

Here is a link to the Sheet that lists page numbers with events from the plot.

The pdf files have been shared with you through your Sunwest Email. The files list each pdf by the pages it starts/ends with.

October 11

A2 Terry Fox – formal letter writing

Watch the Terry Fox video below and create a list of his positive and (potentially) negative characteristics.

  •  Ask them to try to create a list of their own personal positive characteristics, seeing if any overlap with some of Terry’s.
  • They’re to write a formal letter to their parents explaining about:
    • our school’s upcoming Terry Fox Walk Event – what it’s for, it’s goal
    • what their thoughts are of Terry – admire him, curious about him, what they wonder of what his life could have been
    • write about their own personality characteristics they hope to develop as adults, once they get to be Terry’s age.
  • Use the outline below to begin a Letter and end it properly.
    Writing formal letters in English - The ultimate guide

Guide for Letter: Intro, Middle (Body), and Ending


  • introduce why you are writing to your parents
  • thinking about the Terry Fox walk coming up next week
  • considering the continued impact he’s made; what his legacy is (influence on others)


  1. Write what your personal thoughts are of Terry Fox. Can include details you know of his background. Consider including what you and others admire about him.
  2. Describe what our walk day will be like: grade groups will be paired together, there will be a route laid out for us, the intent is to raise money for cancer research, there will be donations and a meal at the end.
  3. Compare your personal admirable qualities you’ve identified with those of Terry. What qualities of his might you hope to continue developing as you get older? Consider ideas you might use to inspire others in your own life, like he did.
  4. Connect your letter to our hero unit theme: decide if Terry was a hero and explain your answer to your reader. If yes, why?


  • Thank your reader for their time to consider your thoughts.
October 10

A3 Research and Poster

We’re continuing our discussion about what makes someone a hero.

  • We’ve looked at a historical hero, Rosa Parks, and what she did for the civil rights movement. (You practiced summarizing paragraphs.)
  • You’re familiar with Terry Fox and the work he did, and his foundation continues to do, to raise awareness of cancer treatments and research. (You wrote a letter.)
  • Today, you’ll research someone who’s made an impact to the Calgary community along with many parts of the NHL: Chris Snow was the Calgary Flames assistant General Manager. He recently was diagnosed with a degenerative disease, ALS. He passed away last week, but is considered by some as a hero.
    • Your task: research Chris, find out about his background, the qualities he had as a person, how he handled his disease, how the NHL community was supporting him, how he died, and what has happened since his death.
    • You decide if he fits the criteria of a hero and, if so, why.
    • Create a poster about Chris that we’ll hang in the classroom. The purpose of the poster should be to relay the important information about Chris and whether he was or wasn’t a hero.

Overview & legacy of Chris & Kelsie Snow:  https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjQFhALt/

Flames Snoe family puck drop – legacy. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjQNn1af/

Snow testimony on drug trial benefits:



Memorial service for Chris Snow scheduled for October 12 | SaltWire

September 25

ELA 7-8 Heroes Unit

  1. Defining and making a list of Hero examples
  2. Studying a historical figure recognized as a hero for an act of courage:
    1. Rosa Parks:
        1. PDF excerpt of her story – read the paragraphs and try to summarize each. The challenge with summarizing is to include enough of the main points but not too many of them. Do this for the first 10 paragraphs.
        2. Understanding Rosa’s story: YouTube video

      1. Examples of how people were segregated in the United States in the 1950s.
        Nikita Gill on X: "Rosa Parks, an activist of the civil rights movement,  called “the First Lady of Civil Rights” and “The Mother of the Freedom  Movement”. https://t.co/OYvlHmMwGI" / X
        Racial segregation in the United States - Wikipedia

June 14

Wed Sub Notes – Mrs. Herrem

Here are some links/supports shared with students through Teams for their classes.

Period 1: ELA B10

Mrs. Herrem will support you again today. I’d like you to pause the Macbeth readings (we’ll continue reading/acting it out when I return) and I’d like to introduce you to your last Assignment – the obituary writing of Macbeth. (You could consider writing it about Lady Macbeth, but it’s much more challenging as you know so much less about her.)
Today, start in this order with:
  1. A Socrative Comprehension Check from yesterday’s play reading/viewing. Room 252858. A check in of your understanding.
  2. Watch a 15 minute Instructional Video  introducing you to the Obituary writing assignment. You could have someone log-in to the teacher computer and watch it as a group on the Smartboard. The assignment pages are in the back of your Macbeth section.
  3. Then, I’d like you to read 2 obituary samples:
    1. One is a comical one of a guy who lived an “interesting” life. If you read this together as a class, it could be comical.
    2. The second is a more serious, and more similar to the tone/difficulty of the obituary you’ll write – written about someone who died of drug use. Hard to write a celebration of someone’s life when they struggled so much, or like in Macbeth’s case when they hurt so many other people.
  4. After the instruction and two sample obituaries read, you can begin DRAFTING your ideas in the handout guide. Remember, an obituary is written by a loved one. A family member. You’ll want others to remember the better parts of that person’s life, maybe understand the unique struggles they faced, and their outlook on life.
  5. You’ll have more writing time coming, but this gives you an idea of what the last assignment involves and some time to start generating ideas. Spoiler – Macbeth is going to die soon! 😧
  6. Reminder: Some of you need to complete another AR or 2 (or 3). I’ve given you 2 options in the post just before this. There are copies you can grab on the back Bulletin board or ask me for a copy printed for you. These are all due this Friday!
Seating Plan Today
Hope it’s a great day!

ELA A30: 

They’ve got their new/last section of the course to work on. It includes 2 listening activities.
All work is due (except the current section) by this Friday.

Psych 30: 

Students are working on their Inquiry Project and their method of Presenting/delivering it. PPT or video format,e tc.
All their assignments are due this Friday, except the Inquiry Project.

ELA 7-8:

Today we start with another Beginnings Writing Workshop video. This time, there will be 4 writing prompts, so don’t pack your things in after the 3 section.

They tried a Plot Line Game yesterday in Groups of 3-4. I’d like them to try the game again in reshuffled groups.

Play the game as many as 2 times and then, either as a group of 3-4 OR divided into groups of 2, write out that narrative storyline plot, including characters, dialogue, point of view, conflict, tone, etc. See what they can complete with the rest of the class period.

Social 10:
I have a plan for you today – I hope it goes over well with you. We have talked about countries choosing different economic systems what ends up affecting the standard of living in those countries. Today, you’ll learn about the three main types of economies: Command, Mixed, and Market Economies.
For today, I made a Google Sheet with questions and video links in it. I’ve also recorded a short video showing you how you might work your way through the viewing and adding notes from the videos. See how you want to proceed – on your own, in pairs, or as a whole group?
Link to Google Sheet: You can “Make a Copy” of this that you can then edit yourself. Or you can ask me to make it Accessible so you can just edit inside the one document.
Video explaining what to do. Hope this makes sense!!


June 13

Tuesday Sub Post

Hi there,
The links and notes below are the same as what’s been shared with students.

Hi everyone Kenaston ELA B10
Hope you had a great last long weekend of the school year! You’ll have to be meaningful with your time and finish work you haven’t submitted yet. All assignments due this Friday (in 3 days) except the last one, the obituary.
Today, here’s where you’ll begin:
  • Read the Scene Summary for the last 2 scenes we read on Friday. Important events happened that I want you to be sure to catch, specifically:
    • Act 3 Scene 4 (after the banquet) ends with the Macbeths noticing Macduff refuses to come greet Macbeth as his new King, even though Macbeth has called for Macduff to do so. (It makes them wonder about his loyalty.)
    • Act 3 Scene 5:What Hecate says to the witches about how she’ll clean up their mess in meddling with Macbeth
    • Act 3 Scene 6: Macduff is in England with Malcolm, the fled son of murdered Duncan. They talk about how Macbeth has benefitted most from the deaths of the King and Banquo and they suspect he is behind both murders.
  • Back in your handout, answer the two questions there for Act 2 and Act 3.
  • Act 4 is the beginning of the undoing of the anti-hero character, Macbeth. Since I’m not there to help you read out/understand this scene, I have a video version of it for you to watch. You could use your playbook to read along while you view or pause and read the modern version of the script as well. Or you could watch it with subtitles on and then read the Scene Summary here.
I’ll be sending you all a Chat Message with the number of AR Tasks you’ve completed so far. Some of you have done enough already and others need to pick alternatives. Check for those messages.
I’m around online if you have questions. Send me a message. Have a great day!
Seating Plan for the day:

ELA A30:

You have a new section of work to start today, the last of the course. We’ve considered the historical experience of different new Canadians; this section will look at the experience of new Canadians today.
  • There’s a podcast to listen to in the section along with a QR Code to it. Here’s the link to the audio as well. It’s called In Their Shoes – recent immigrants to Canada share the types of shoes they were wearing when they arrived in Canada and what it said either about the life they left behind or the life they were seeking in Canada. Listen to 27 minutes worth of this audio.
  • There’s also another short audio listening piece – the Day-in-the-Life of a Canadian Immigrant who is studying in school but also working a few jobs to help her family and her make ends meet. It’s 10 minutes long.

All assignments except this section are due by this Friday, 3 days away.

Psych 30:
Working in inquiry projects. All assignments due this Friday, except Inquiry Presentation.

Social 10:

Hi everyone Kenaston Social 10, I’m sorry I’m not there today, but I hope you’ll feel comfortable completing the following:
  1. Watch the video linked here on Globalization – in particular, it tracks how many countries are involved in making/selling a t-shirt in America. You can/should try to take some notes or even jot down main ideas. We’ll review tomorrow (likely).
  2. Next, here’s a pair/group activity to try:
    1. In pairs (groups of singles – 3 ppl) make a list of 20 services and/or products you currently use in life that you wouldn’t have access to without globalization – without the interdependence of other countries also involved in the production of those services/products. List them and explain the country/area of the world you think is also involved in their development.
      Example: Cell phone – it wouldn’t be available to us without manufacturing from Asian countries.
    2. Once the small pairs have made their list of 20, make a list on one of the whiteboards (the one nearest the plants?) and as other small pairs add their list, only add new products/services. Don’t rewrite Phones down. See how many new products/services the different pairs were able to generate.
    3. Back in your pair groups, now try to think of 5 resources/products/services Canada generates that we wouldn’t be able to export/sell to other countries without Globalization. If we could only sell within our own borders, how would our development of these resources/products remain – slowed since we’d have a much smaller market of consumers? The same since we’d still have to develop the resources anyway?
      Example: Canada’s lumber/timber resource is a main export to other countries in the world without large land masses and so many trees. What would happen to our timber industry if we couldn’t sell out of Canada? Thoughts?
    4. Share your list of 5 Canadian resources/products/services on the whiteboard in the same way – with additional pairs only adding examples not listed.
Then, when you’ve finished those 2 lists and compared what you came up with, you can watch the last video on Globalization posted here. We’ll discuss both videos and your list results tomorrow. 
Unit text coming next Wednesday period 5. 
No class Tuesday next week for your Pool Party field trip.