Hi there,
The links and notes below are the same as what’s been shared with students.
Hi everyone Kenaston ELA B10
Hope you had a great last long weekend of the school year! You’ll have to be meaningful with your time and finish work you haven’t submitted yet. All assignments due this Friday (in 3 days) except the last one, the obituary.
Today, here’s where you’ll begin:
- Read the Scene Summary for the last 2 scenes we read on Friday. Important events happened that I want you to be sure to catch, specifically:
- Act 3 Scene 4 (after the banquet) ends with the Macbeths noticing Macduff refuses to come greet Macbeth as his new King, even though Macbeth has called for Macduff to do so. (It makes them wonder about his loyalty.)
- Act 3 Scene 5:What Hecate says to the witches about how she’ll clean up their mess in meddling with Macbeth
- Act 3 Scene 6: Macduff is in England with Malcolm, the fled son of murdered Duncan. They talk about how Macbeth has benefitted most from the deaths of the King and Banquo and they suspect he is behind both murders.
- Back in your handout, answer the two questions there for Act 2 and Act 3.
- Act 4 is the beginning of the undoing of the anti-hero character, Macbeth. Since I’m not there to help you read out/understand this scene, I have a video version of it for you to watch. You could use your playbook to read along while you view or pause and read the modern version of the script as well. Or you could watch it with subtitles on and then read the Scene Summary here.
I’ll be sending you all a Chat Message with the number of AR Tasks you’ve completed so far. Some of you have done enough already and others need to pick alternatives. Check for those messages.
I’m around online if you have questions. Send me a message. Have a great day!
Seating Plan for the day:
You have a new section of work to start today, the last of the course. We’ve considered the historical experience of different new Canadians; this section will look at the experience of new Canadians today.
- There’s a podcast to listen to in the section along with a QR Code to it. Here’s the link to the audio as well. It’s called In Their Shoes – recent immigrants to Canada share the types of shoes they were wearing when they arrived in Canada and what it said either about the life they left behind or the life they were seeking in Canada. Listen to 27 minutes worth of this audio.
- There’s also another short audio listening piece – the Day-in-the-Life of a Canadian Immigrant who is studying in school but also working a few jobs to help her family and her make ends meet. It’s 10 minutes long.
All assignments except this section are due by this Friday, 3 days away.
Psych 30:
Working in inquiry projects. All assignments due this Friday, except Inquiry Presentation.
Social 10:
Hi everyone Kenaston Social 10, I’m sorry I’m not there today, but I hope you’ll feel comfortable completing the following:
- Watch the video linked here on Globalization – in particular, it tracks how many countries are involved in making/selling a t-shirt in America. You can/should try to take some notes or even jot down main ideas. We’ll review tomorrow (likely).
- Next, here’s a pair/group activity to try:
- In pairs (groups of singles – 3 ppl) make a list of 20 services and/or products you currently use in life that you wouldn’t have access to without globalization – without the interdependence of other countries also involved in the production of those services/products. List them and explain the country/area of the world you think is also involved in their development.
Example: Cell phone – it wouldn’t be available to us without manufacturing from Asian countries.
- Once the small pairs have made their list of 20, make a list on one of the whiteboards (the one nearest the plants?) and as other small pairs add their list, only add new products/services. Don’t rewrite Phones down. See how many new products/services the different pairs were able to generate.
- Back in your pair groups, now try to think of 5 resources/products/services Canada generates that we wouldn’t be able to export/sell to other countries without Globalization. If we could only sell within our own borders, how would our development of these resources/products remain – slowed since we’d have a much smaller market of consumers? The same since we’d still have to develop the resources anyway?
Example: Canada’s lumber/timber resource is a main export to other countries in the world without large land masses and so many trees. What would happen to our timber industry if we couldn’t sell out of Canada? Thoughts?
- Share your list of 5 Canadian resources/products/services on the whiteboard in the same way – with additional pairs only adding examples not listed.
Then, when you’ve finished those 2 lists and compared what you came up with, you can watch the last video on
Globalization posted here. We’ll discuss both videos and your list results tomorrow.
Unit text coming next Wednesday period 5.
No class Tuesday next week for your Pool Party field trip.