ELA 9 Feb 1/17 Three Topics to Debate
It’s important after reading this play and watching a first sample of the film that you consider some open-ended question that have no exact answer. Without a true answer, the conclusions we come to as a class must be hashed out and debated.
The three questions we’ll discuss and find a conclusion to are:
- Who is the most honourable person in this play? (They would be the person to display the best characteristics.)
- Which character makes the worst decision in the play? (They’d be the decision that leads to the worst outcome.)
- Who is ultimately responsible for the tragedy that ends the play? (A single person we can agree is the ultimate cause of it.)
- To mull over these questions initially, you can work through your responses with a partner or small group.
- We will regroup, talk through what our initial reactions are to these questions, narrow our list of characters down for each question and then establish groups/sides for our ultimate debate.
- Those sides/groups will then have to prepare arguments FOR their side of the debate topic as well as plan Defence AGAINST the expected arguments of the other side.