September 23

ELA 9 Sept 23/16 Student generated endings: #7

“No, my dear. Said the landlady. Only you.”  

 “What do you mean just me?” Billy asked.

    “Oh dear you are the only one, as I said I’m very picky about whom I let stay,” the old lady stated as she takes a sip of her tea. Appearing to enjoy it very much.

    “May I meet other tenants, if I’m going to live here I’d like to know who is living here with me.” Billy asked in a wondering tone.

    “You need your rest, in the morning.”

    “Ok, well I think I’ll be going to bed now, thanks for the tea.” The young man was feeling quite queasy and decided it was time for some sleep. He assumed it was from a long day of travel. He walked up the stairs to his room. And collapsed onto his bed and fell into a sleep filled with dreams full of monster and blood. When he wakes up, he is still feeling not very good but goes down for breakfast, regardless. All the food tastes of almond which made him feel even worse.

    “How are you feeling this morning? Are you going to work?” The lady asked a gentle smile plastered to her lips.

    “I’m not feeling great, so I think I’ll postpone my meeting.”

    “Whatever you say, Dearie.” She said sweetly.

     Billy staggered up the stairs missing his floor he kept going. He reached the third floor and was hit with a rush of cold air. He comes to his senses a little and realises he shouldn’t be here.

    Wandering around the room are two young men and an array of animals. They were moving like a normal being would, but there were lifeless. Brown eyes were empty and cold. Billy reached out and touched the older looking ones shoulder it was icy cold; his skin was grey and his hair perfectly neat. The man looked at him and smiled and sickly happy one.The boy became scared and rushed out trying to get to his room, quickly. He fell onto his bed pulling the covers to his nose, hoping that sleep could help him forget the horrific scene that was overhead. His dreams were full of lifeless eyes and body’s asking him to join them.

    A loud witchy cackle woke him.”Ahahahah,” as he jumps he sees the sweet lady hovering over him. Suddenly there was a horrid pain of a knife slowly trailing up his abdomen; then everything went foggy. He comes in and out of consciousness to feel horrific pain and the ripping sensation of his organs coming out.

    “Ahh,” Billy screamed and whimpered through the pain. As he came too for the final time, he saw the which murmur some inaudible words and tap him with what felt like a stick. Suddenly everything was gone for Billy, he was empty but still moving. The landlady then sewed him up. Billy got up slowly and walked to the third floor to join the others.

    “I just have to wait for the next one, uhh.” The old women said wistfully before going to get a cup of tea.


     A young man knocks on the door. “Oh come in dearie, do you need a place to stay. Just 5 and 6 pence a night, including breakfast.” The kind old lady said.

    The boy then spoke, “only 5 and 6 pence, I think I’ll have to stop for a stay.” He then saw a guest book and went to write his name in it; he saw only three names.

    “You haven’t had a tenant in 3 years?”

     “No only you, would you like some tea?” The landlady said with a sickly sweet smile plastered on her face.


Posted September 23, 2016 by Waldner in category ELA 9

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