December 3

ELA 20: Dec 3 Review of Literary Essay Writing…

  1. Now that we have officially finished studying the novel and watched the movie (for good measure), we read through the actual essay assignment together. On that sheet, a basic structure is suggested for each of the body paragraphs, as well as an outline for what could be included in the intro and conclusion.
  2. We reviewed the Three No’s of formal essay writing: no personal pronouns (I, we, you), no contractions (can’t, shouldn’t), and always in present tense (which will often go against your  nature – what Scout experiences in the beginning of the novel seems like it is in the past, but she is still experiencing it the same as she is still currently experiencing what comes at the end of the novel).
  3. I showed some student examples of this same essay assignment on the smartboard. I pointed out some of the correct things these examples showed, as well as some errors.
  4. Then students had the rest of the class (at least 20 minutes) to use the chart they have been filling (as we read) to begin their brainstorming and planning. Our next class will be their first period of three writing classes.

Posted December 3, 2009 by Waldner in category ELA 20

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