April 26

Ap 26/16 PreReading Activity Choose your Own Speaking/Writing/Representing

Hey 10s,  

You’ll have two classes to work through 3 stations of your choosing plus one mandatory station. Here’s the run-down:

  • you can do the work independently or with a partner.
  • you will add your written/audio/representing work into a Google Doc and share with both me and your partner (if you have one)
  • Consider what technology may be most useful for you in developing this (ie: Fotobabble vs audio recorder – which is most reliable and easily shared)
  • Keep track of the station titles/lettering so you can track that you have completed 3+1.
  • There is no “right order” to these. Choose them as you want.

A. Descriptive Writing:
Identify a challenging decision a person might have to make and Describe the potential consequences you could foresee from both choice A and choice B.

B. Word Salad Representing:
Make a list of 20 phrases/words related to decision-making and create a Word Salad (iPad app). Submit the photo in your Google doc. If you have a hyperlink add it as well.

C. Debate Speaking:
Record a discussion (of at least 3 minutes long) arguing either

  • A: all people face the same pressures in life
  • B: all people do not face the same pressures in life

D. Post-It List Representing:
Make a list of 15 of the big choices individuals have to make from their teens to Twenties. Get Post-Its from me to add these in chronological order on the bulletin board.
Other groups following will have to try to add in other big decisions between the ones already given.

E. Narrative Speaking:
Record an audio narration of a challenging decision you have had to make and the tipping point(s) of that choice for you that helped you make up your mind. Consider, as well, whether you had any second guessing in whether that choice was best, after the fact.

F. Mandatory One: Pre-testing Figurative Language Skills in Socrative
Everyone will at some point complete the Socrative Figurative Language quiz. This is not for marks, but to assess how skilled you are in identifying figurative language examples.



Good luck!


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Posted April 26, 2016 by Waldner in category ELA B10

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